"Well, I'm afraid it's a surprise."


"A surprise. I'll disclose her name at the ceremony in the honor of her birth tonight."

"Cardan, you've got to be joking right now. Let me hear it. What if it's not suitable? What if-"

"It's perfect, Jude. I gave it a lot of thought and I promise you'll love it. I just really want it to be a surprise." Jude opened her mouth to protest but at the sight of Cardans pleading look pulled herself back.

"Fine, but it better be worth it." Cardan lips stretched into a broad grin.

"I promise."

A loud cry filled the chamber alerting both the parents.

"Mum! The baby's screaming! Look! Is it being attacked by a monster?" Tristan exclaimed in shock tugging at his mothers gown. 

"No Tris, the baby's just hungry."


Jude and Cardan sat at their thrones with the crowns atop their heads, in all their regal glories. The new borne princess lay in the High Queens arms bundled in the most fanciest and elegant of designed silk blanket. Cardans cheeks glowed a golden-ish haze and his eyes brought out by the black liner surrounding his eyes. He looked like a true High King of Elfhame.

'He looks beautiful'

Jude instantly blushed at her own thoughts, a gesture not gone unnoticed by her husband who smirked knowingly.

"Like what you see, my sweet nemesis?"

"Shut up"

Oak sat beside them with Tristan on his lap shot them a disturbed look. He turned back to the young prince however, whose face was scrunched up in concentration as he tapped the video game screen desperately.

"Good job, Tristan! You're getting the hang of it now!" He praised the boy in his lap.

Jude looked up see her sisters, Taryn and Vivienne make their way towards them, alongside her little nephew, Leon who clasped his mothers hand. Taryn performed a curtsey glancing at her son to do the same, Leon copied his mother. Vivienne on the other hand simply grinned a Cheshire grin.

"How's the little rascal?" She cried out happily gazing at the baby in her sisters arms. An awkward cough sounded from the Bomb beside them.

"Please don't call the princess of Elfhame a rascal Vivi, but she's good. A lot calmer than Tristan was at this age."

"Definitely, he kept screaming throughout his birth honoring ceremony." Taryn nodded sympathetically. 

"Can I see the baby, aunt Jude?" Leon piped up. Jude smiled gently tugging her nephew closer to let him gaze at her daughter.

"She's beautiful, isn't she? Just like her mother." Cardan smiled at Leon, who nodded happily. Jude blushed once again.

"Well, she does look a lot like Jude at a closer glance but otherwise she's a carbon copy of you Cardan." Taryn said softly gazing at her nieces black curls, pale skin and pointed ears.

"She has Jude's eyes. What's her name by the way?" Vivi asked grinning at the royal couple. Jude let out a annoyed huff at that. 

"I don't know."

Both Taryn and Vivi looked at their sister confused.


"I don't know what her name is. Cardan was responsible for picking out a name this time and insists on keeping it a surprise."

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