"Well," I said, leaning upward, "what would you like to do? I'm not used to having a lack of entertainment. Jake's always doing something stupid or getting stabbed by Tara, and the others aren't here to talk about pointless shit." I forced myself not to look at his lips hoping we could do something besides have sex like always. "So what should we do?"

"Stay here."


"Not forever, obviously, but for a little while. A vacation." He swiped his free hand's finger under my jaw, holding me by the chin so I had nowhere to look but at him. "Remember, we hardly know each other. Some time to just... talk would be good for us."

I frowned. "What made you so soft?"

"Are we in a relationship, or not? Right now, it's feeling as though it's out of convenience, Ames."

"Ouch," I muttered, then slid my hand slowly down his chest, palm flat to his figure. "I wouldn't say it's out of convenience so much as something else..."

Before I could get lower than his abdomen, he snatched my hand away and glared at me, and I burst out laughing at the intense expression on his face.

"I was only teasing, relax," I giggled and dragged him down for a short peck. "I'm not asking to do that, just making a point."

"What point?"

"That convenience isn't the only reason we're together."

He sighed heavily. The world turned into a blur for a split second, then he was lying down and I was stretched out on top of him. Comfortable wasn't the start of the emotions I felt when like this, which sent me into a deep state of bliss. I didn't need much more than this, though I knew it was going to end very soon.

Colby squeezed me against him and said, "Let's talk, Ames. Properly, like we never did before."

If I knew him—and I was pretty sure I did to an extent, he was asking because he already had an agenda. There was something he wanted to know specifically. "About what?"

"What do people in early relationships normally talk about? Interests, preferences..."

"Come on, I know there's something lingering in your head," I prompted, barely craning my neck to look up at his face. He stared up at the ceiling blankly, masking whatever was going through that vast mind of his.

With a gentle sigh, he said, "I guess. You only ever seem to hang out with everyone else like me, so what do you actually like to do? Before you met us, you had to have some hobbies."

I frowned. "Honestly, I can't think of anything I liked to do. Thinking back, I was just... existing."

"That's a lot of free time to just exist."

"I have a phone." I lightly shrugged and cuddled closer into his form, loving how much my brain was able to close down in this sort of position. Every inch of my being was totally encapsulated by lying on my mate's chest.

"You go out sometimes," he murmured, the vibration of his voice sending shivers down my spine. "Is that because you like to?"

"Not really. I've never been much for parties or clubs, but sometimes they're nice. A change of scenery," I explained. "Don't you enjoy them?"

"No." He chose not to elaborate, which I understood. Clubbing wasn't for everyone - not even me, either, as we'd just spoken about. It seemed we'd both rather be at home than out constantly. That worked for me. "The others like to go out, though. Once Aiden is sorted, I'm sure they'll drag us with them."

I chuckled to myself. "Without a doubt. Why do you own a club if you don't like going to it?"

"Income," he replied, shrugging.

Our conversation finally drifted, then. I didn't know how it happened but we started talking about ourselves, about our pasts; likes; dislikes. I hadn't used my voice this much in a while but it was nice to actually get to know the man I was destined to stay with forever. He wasn't as complex as I thought he might be, either, plainly stating what he did and didn't like for me sometimes with reasons to go along with them.

Our understanding of one another completely changed. I suddenly knew the perfect way to surprise him if I wanted to, and he knew the same for me. Of course, talking about the foods he liked as a human wouldn't fleas to anything but it gave me a better idea of how he used to be compared to how he was now.

I couldn't help bridging the gap to talk about Sam. Colby's love for that guy was visibly endless, let alone how highly he spoke of him. They had so many stories together that I learned about.

By the time we shut up, all that dreaded time leading to daylight was gone. The sun was rising and we were both getting tired, so we went to bed like any couple would.

As if we were just as regular as anyone else.


I went to Hospital the other day so updates have been slow and will continue to be slow.

- Kiwi 🥝

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