twenty five

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"Come on!" Enrique yelled after them while they were running around the field. "They're gonna catch you!"

I smiled as I watched Gavi hit Pedri and running away after. As everyone finished their round they stopped in front of Enrique.

"Everyone here please." Enrique said and turned around to look at me too. I stood up and walked over to the circle they have made.

I noticed Gavi looking and smiling at me. However, I didn't look at him because it's not the right time.

"Okay, well done guys, tomorrow is the game against Morocco. I think we're ready, today no more practice and rest your mind. Does anyone have anything to confess, do it right now so I can start you on the bench." Enrique said and everyone laughed. I looked around but nobody had anything to say.

"Does everyone know what we have to wear?" Enrique looked around. "We're wearing our suits again, Anastasia you can come with me right after I'll get you one." He turned to me and I nodded.

"Does everyone know when the bus is here?" Enrique asked again. Ferran raised his hand.

"At 3" Ferran said and Enrique laughed.

"He has insider information, not fair." Gavi yelled and then smiled at Ferran.

"You literally do too." Pedri laughed while pointing at me and I smiled a little while looking bavk at Enrique who leaned over to me. He covered his mouth with his hand.

"I think Sira and you will get along well, I'll interduce you to her." He whispered and stood up straight again.

"I think so too." I whispered back and he smiled.

"So, Laporte, when does the bus arrive?" Enrique asked.

"At 3" Laporte answered and Enrique nodded.

"Thanks guys. See you tomorrow, at 3 okay?!" He clapped and so did everyone else. He then turned around and so did I.

"So, where are we going now?" I asked and caught up to him, since he was walking so fast.

"To get you a suit, I ordered you one yesterday and it should be in my office now. You need to try it on too." He explained while he talked with his hands.

When we arrived in his office he immediately pulled out the suit and I looked at it. "Looks good" I noticed and smiled a little.

"Try it on, I'll go outside real quick, open the door as soon as you're done." And with that he left the room. I got changed quickly and then opened the door.

"This looks awesome, what do you think?" He came inside again and looked at me.

"It looks good, yeah." I looked down at my body and he nodded as he smiled.

"Great, so go get some rest and you're at the bench tomorrow." He clapped his hands once and I nodded while taking my other things.

"Okay, thank you. I'll send you todays practice as soon as I can." I left the office and made my way back to the hotel. I met some Argentine players on the way and some even said hello.

As I finally opened the door to my room I saw Gavi on the bed. "Gavi get out." I walked over to the sofa and changed out of the suit and carefully hung it up. Then I pulled over a shirt and laid down on the sofa. "Gavi I'm serioud" I said again.

"Love, come on." He said and also came over to the sofa. He laid down on top of me. I immediately moved my hands to his hair and started playing around with it.

"Did you shower already?" I was looking at the ceiling, I didn't look at him, however I felt him look up at me.

"I hurried, look what I brought." He grabbed into his pocket and pulled out something. He held it over my head and I saw the white letters.

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