Primeape goes Bananas

Start from the beginning

Oak:We've become very good friends. We especially enjoy teatime, and writing poetry. And some of it's not that bad, either. [Professor Oak explained ]Every day it's cake and tea, just my Pokémon and me. Like it?

Ash:I don't know very much about poetry [Ash answered with a sweat drop]

Oak:Now, listen, Ash, writing poetry is a lot like Pokémon training. I can't write a good poem without rhymes. And you can't be a good trainer without catching more Pokémon. The same also applies to Green. Have to go now. The tea's getting cold." [Professor Oak said as he hung up]

[Ash sighed after the professor did that]

[The flashback ends to show Ash, Green, Fern, and Carywn walking down Route 7].

Ash:And that's what happened.

Green:I see. Who would've thought Gary would have already earned five badges.

Ash:I know. That Gary. [Ash said as he clenched his fists]

Green:Easy Ash. We got plenty of time before the Pokémon League starts [Green said calming him down] I'm sure we'll catch up eventually probably even surpass him.


Green:Of course there are times when we have to hurry and there are also times when we should just slow down and take in the scenery on our travels.

[Ash, Fern, and Carywyn nod their heads at what he said].

Ash:I get it, buddy. So what Pokémon did you caught?"

Green:A butterfree.

Ash:Awesome! But where is it?"

Green:In Professor Oak's lab [Jake replied]After all, we can only have six Pokémon in our party.

Ash:I know that.

Green:Come on, let's get back to the others [Green said as they continue through Route 7]

[The boys and the Pokémon made their way back to the gang who were enjoying a rice ball. They notice them coming over]

Lexus:Hi Ash! Hi Green!" [She greeted while waving her hand]

Green:Hi! [he greeted back]

[Misty noticed Ash looking a little down]

Misty:You look kinda down, Ash.


Misty:Have a donut, that always cheers me up.

Charmander:Char Char [Charmander added]

Brock:These donuts are great! Jelly-filled are my favorite! Nothing beats a jelly-filled donut!

Lexus:I agree. They're delicious![she was eating one]

Green:In that case, let me at one [Green said as he takes one and tastes it ] Mmmm. Now that's sweet. Can my Pokémon have some?

Brock:Sure thing, Green,I made plenty.

[Green smiled before taking two donuts and giving them to Fern and Carywn. They both tasted it]

Fern:Ivysaur  [Fern said at the taste]

Carwyn:Cubone! [He added as the taste was really good].

[Ash then walks over]

Ash:I just heard Gary has five badges.

Misty:I get it. He's upset because he's falling behind.

Lexus:Don't worry, Ash. I'm sure you will get there

Ash:Thanks, Lexus [Ash said feeling a little better ]The next town we come to is Celadon City. Isn't there supposed to be a gym there?

Brock:There sure is. All we gotta do is follow this road. Celadon City is only a day's walk from here. Even less if we keep up a fast pace.[he points to the right]

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