Abra and psychic showdown

Începe de la început

Ash:Yes! Look out Sabrina! Here we come!

Green:What he said!

[The gang then walked through entrance to Saffron City]

Ash:This is what I call a city.

Green:You can say that again. It looks nice.

[Suddenly, firecrackers go off which startles the group]

Lexus:What's going on!?

Brock:This must be some kind of ambush!

[Just then, two hula girls appeared and puts leis on both Ash and Green while giving them both a kiss on the cheeks]

Girls:Congratulations, winners!              AshWinners!? There's something real fishy about this!                                                                  Green:Yeah! I don't remember winning an award just for coming into a city. That's just plain ridiculous!

Second hula girl:There's a simple explanation.

First hula girl:It just so happens you're the millionth, millionth and first, millionth and second, millionth and third, millionth and fourth, and millionth and fifth visitors to Saffron City!

[The hula girls then begins to dance. Both Green and Fern looked at them with suspicion in their eyes while their friends smile at this]

Ash:Oh, boy! Looks like our luck is starting to turn good!

Green:Talk about Déjà vu [thought Green as he recalled the time when they were given a free cruise ticket to the St. Anne by two school girls back at the Vermillion Harbor which was later revealed to be a trap set up by Team Rocket.]

[The hula girls were then leading the gang inside a building]

First hula:Right this way to the grand prize room.

Second hula girl:Please, step lively. [the second hula girl added]

[Just as the gang was walking in the building, the second hula girl grabs Charmander with Special gloves while the first hula girl grabs fern].

Second hula girl:Thank you for your Charmander. [She said in James' voice]

First hula girl:And thank you for your Ivysaur" [She said in Jessie's voice]

[The gang turn in surprise as they saw this]

Green:Hey! Put them down! [Green yelled as he and Ash runs up to them only for Jessie and James to put their hands on their faces]

Jessie:You won a trip through the warp tile! Jessie said as she and James shove them into their friends and they land on a warp tile which teleports them away]

James:That was easy.

[The gang were then teleported in a strange room]

Lexus:Well that happened [She said as they both stood up]

Ash:What's going on here? If this is the grand prize room, then where are all the prizes? Green:Don't you see, Ash? There are no prizes!"

Lexus:Yeah. The only thing we won is this trap!

Brock:There aren't any doors or windows in this room.

Lexus:Then how do we escape?

Green:It has to be this warp tile we're standing on.

Jessie:Bingo! The warp tile is the only way in or out of this room, there's no way to escape. [Jessie's voice said]

Ash:What are you talking about?

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