Electric Shock Showdown

Start from the beginning

Lexus:Ash, This guy seems pretty tough I'm worried about some your Pokémon please let me go first. Besides last time sense it'll be my Eight badge.

Ash:Ok,but this is last time you get to go first I'll only agree if Green does as well!

Green:Sounds good to me gives me time to plan out my team for Surge so sure.

Lexus:Oh really?Thanks boys with the training we did on the way here plus my mad skills I'm gonna tear Surge apart!

Brock:From the looks of things here, you'll have to be tough to battle with this Lt. Surge.

Ash:You think he's... that tough?

Brock:Yes,So ash I truly advise you don't use any of water or flying type Pokémon.

Ash:You have nothing to worry about! I got this Once it's our turn me and Green crush Surge!

[Just then a sound that Nurse Joy is familiar with goes off].

Nurse joy:That signal means you're Pokémon are recovered.

Green:That's great.

[The nurse lead the group out of the room to where their Pokémon are. Charmander and Fern were eating some apples next to the trainer's other Poké Balls].

Ash:Charmander! [Ash called]

[They turn to see their human trainers walking up to them].

Ash:I hope your full because we got to win big at that gym. Come on let's go win a badge!
Green:Same with you Fern. Let's get our next badge [Charmander and Bulbasaur both nod their heads. But before they can go, another trainer rushed in with Center's Chansey pushing a stretcher with an injured Pidgey on it.]

Boy 2:Please hurry! Just hold on Pidgey!" [he cried]

Lexus:I guess that's the 16th one
Ash:Pay close attention when we Watch Lexus battle ok Charmander we're not gonna end up like that ok. [Charmander nods determined to win this one].
[Green turns to Fern and smiles. Fern smiles too as they're ready to take on their next challenge]. Green:Hold on sec guys gotta make a call [Green said he went to phones to switch Spearow out for one his other Pokémon back at oak's lab].

[Afterwards The group then left the Center and made their way to a building that has the word gym on it].

Ash:So this is the Vermillion Gym

Lexus:It has the word Gym on it. [Green added as she looked up at the word]

[he and Fern went to the building to open the door].

[The others follow after him. They looked inside him to see two people staring at them. It was a man and a woman and they all look tough].

Lexus:Hello. I've come for a Pokémon battle earn my last badge the Thunder Badge.

Green:Me too. I'm here to earn the Thunder Badge too I am Green Night of pallet town.                              Ash:Me Three. I'm here to earn the Thunder Badge as well I'm ash Ketchum I am also come from pallet town.

Man:Hey boss! 3 more victims for the emergency room!

[Just then, a buff man walks up].

Buff man:Which ones?

[The group was surprised by how big he is]

Brock:Whoa! He's huge.

Lexus:Not to mention, buff.

Green:Are you Lt. Surge?

Surge:That's right! Welcome to the Viridian Gym!" [the man known as Lt. Surge yelled]

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