Chapter 15

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The day after Saitama defeated the Deep Sea King, he finishes another well prepared breakfast courtesy of Genos. The guy has surprisingly good taste for a guy with an artificial tongue. Suddenly he gets a call from Ground Dragon. "Boss, we have something you'll wanna see."

Wandering through the caverns being dug beneath City Z, Saitama takes note of the progress being made while he follows the artificial mole monster. Buildings that look like the bottom half of apartment complexes hang from the ceiling like stalactites, and similar structures are carved from the cave walls. "So, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that construction is going good and we actually found a good deposit down here."
Ignoring the dollar signs that flash in his own eyes, Saitama asks. "And the bad news?"
Ground Dragon looks worried. "That's what I want to show you."

Ground Dragon takes Saitama through a series of long winding tunnels before there's an orange glow around the next corner. Going around that corner reveals a pool of magma at the end of the tunnel. "We hit magma, and one of our guys are able to handle it. Any ideas boss?"
Saitama stares down at the magma pool. "Have this tunnel sectioned off until it's dealt with. We'll have to wait till a monster or something shows up that can deal with this. But in the meantime." He starts stripping off clothes.
"Uh, boss, what are you doing?"
In nothing but his boxers, Saitama takes a running position. "Having some fun." He runs at the pool of magma and jumps into it and curls in on himself. "Canonball!"

Ground Dragon runs as close to the magma as he can without cooking himself. "Boss! Boss!"
"I'm right here." Ground Dragon turns to see Saitama casually lounging at the edge of the magma pool. "The water is quite nice."
Ground Dragon just stares at Saitama for a second before pointing at him accusatoringly. "How do you break so many laws of physics just by existing?! I'm taking a mental health break!" The mole monster storms off, probably to dig a whole to lament his boss' overwhelming power in. Saitama simply shrugs and enjoys the "water".

After a few hours of enjoying the gentle warmth, his phone rings in his discarded pants pocket. With his sturdy Saitama is, he knew he'd need a phone that can withstand almost as much as he could, which is why he bought a Nokia. Reaching into his pocket, he answers the call. "Yello?"
Fubuki's voice comes from the other end of the call. "Its Fubuki. I have big news. I'm being offered a promotion into Class A. And I need some advice."
Saitama is already halfway dressed. "I'll be right there."

Sitting across from Fubuki in her home, Saitama is only mildly surprised by the forlorn look on her face. "You needed my advice?"
Fubuki, in her casual wear, sighs and slumps against her couch. "I don't know what to do. I mean, anyone in a rank one position can apply for a promotion to the next class, but to be offered the position is so much bigger. I should be excited, overjoyed even, that my strength is being recognised, but..." she trails off.
Saitama optsvto finish for her. "But you don't want to leave your group."
She nods. "Yeah. I mean, how can I lead them if I'm in Class A?"
Saitama scoffs. "Who said class dictates who you hang out with?" Fubuki didn't need to use words. Her face said it all. Tatsumaki. Saitama subtly grits his teeth. 'If I ever get the chance, I'm gonna beat Tornado's ass till she cries like the brat she is.'

Saitama's external reaction is a lot more subdued than his internal one. "Listen Fubuki, let me teach you a lesson in humility. The instant you think your strength or status or influence puts you above other people is the instant you are beneath them. Living your whole life obsessed with strength and power is a one way ticket a bitter abd lonely life."
Fubuki can't help but think of her sister after hearing those words, always working, only ever visiting Fubuki to berate her for being weak. "Maybe you're right. So you think I should take the promotion?"
Saitama shrugs. "It's not about what I think. I'm not here to convince you to pick one or the other. I'm just trying to get through your thick head that it's your choice. Disband the group, don't disband them, take the promotion or not. It's all up to you. I'll stick around no matter what."
A teary smile is Fubuki's response. "Thanks. I really needed to hear that." She hastily wipes away the tears. "You should probably go kill a dragon level threat or something. The day is still young."
Saitama chuckles. "Yeah, I guess it is. And here I am teaching a veteran hero. I must be pretty wise."
Fubuki gives him a sly smirk. "Oh, and humble too."
"Insanely humble, it's unbelievable."

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