Chapter 4

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On the way to the House of Evolution, everyone stated their names, with robot guy introducing himself as Genos, a teenager who's town was destroyed by a rogue cyborg and now he's out for revenge with the help of his doctor. Only he managed to stretch out the explanation for about twenty minutes before Saitama told him to shut up. After that, it was mostly silent as the other animals themed monsters found them on the way there before a big building came into view in the woods. "That the place?"
Beast King grins. "Indeed."
Saitama nods. "Good. I wanna fight the strongest guy in there."

There was dead silence before the artificial monsters started laughing, with the exception of Mosquito Girl, who only gave him a skeptical look that faded as she remembered that she almost died after he flicked her and he said he did more damaged than he was trying to. Ground Dragon wipes a tear from his eye. "You want to fight Carnage Kabuto? You're crazy."
Saitama nods. "If that's his name, sure. Bring that Genus guy out here and we can talk... business." With that word, Saitama exuded an aura of power so powerful, Beast King went inside to get Genus while the other monsters cowered in fear.

Saitama smiles when a pale guy in a lab coat was brought out of the building. "Mr-"
"- Genus." He extends a hand. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Shaking the hand, Genus is skeptical. "Beast King said you want to fight Carbage Kabuto?"
Releasing the doctors hand, Saitama explains. "Yep. I'm here for a little bet."
Genus raises an eyebrow. "A bet?"
"Mhm. A whole ass fight. I win, you stop trying to overthrow humanity and come with me. He wins, feel free to scrape me off the walls and do whatever you want."
Genus is hesitant, and for good reason. "Releasing Carnage Kabuto doesn't come without risks. But, you did defeat Mosquito Girl, and your corpse could yield useful information. Fine."

Saitama was left to wait in Genus' basement in a massive combat room. Soon enough, a giant beetle guy came crashing in. "Which one is it?"
Genus, who had been tossed aside by the beetle, points at Saitama. "The bald one."
Carnage Kabuto gives Saitama a once over before dashing at him with insane speed. "Then let's start killing!" He stops behind Saitama with a fist cocked back, but hesitated for two reasons. The first was that his every instinct told him to back the fuck up. The second, despite his speed, Saitama had me even moved his head, but was giving Carnage Kabuto an unimpressed side eye.

The massive beetle uses his wings to flutter back to the edge of the room to collect himself. Saitama voiced his opinion on that. "What's the matter big guy? I thought you said it was time to start killing? I even gave you a free shot. Come on, hit me you big wuss." Carnage Kabuto growls, his rage overshadowing his inhibition as he charges at Saitama. In the time it takes the bug to get there, Saitama thinks about how he'll do this. 'This guys clearly screwed in the head. I should probably leave him in one piece so Genus can use the parts for his pet projects.' When Kabuto is within range, he announces his special move, sounding bored and unimpressed. "Consecutive Casual Punches." Each impact causes Carnage Kabuto's exoskeleton to crack and shatter while causing major internal bleeding. He was dead before he even wound back his arm.

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