VII. would you like to go to the dance with me?

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The days were getting shorter and the nights were getting colder. It was officially Autumn. Well, it had been for a little bit, but Emma was just now getting the fall feelings as she likes to call it. Her favorite season was basically in full swing and it made the girl feel a certain euphoria she could quite express. 

The cool wind blew against her face and she closed her eyes to savour it. The sweater that she stole from Remus hung very loosely on her body and went down to just about her knees. Avery sat by her side painting the sight in front of them. 

A couple was going on a date and were currently having a picnic. Avery, who found inspiration in this, decided to paint them. They were staring at each other with such love and were so absorbed in each other that they didn't know what was going on around them. Emma watched the couple in admiration, a small smile settling on his lips. She loved love. It was so beautiful. 

"Should I do the actual background or be more unique and do something where it looks like they're the only people in the world kinda thing?" Avery asks breaking the comfortable silence. 

"The second option. It sends more of a message" Emma smiles at her. Avery nods and gets back to work. Emma looks at the book in her hands and fondly smiles whenever she remembers the conversation she had with Regulus about it. 

Her eyes shift up and roam the area around her. As if he knew she was thinking about him, Regulus was walking a couple of feet from her with Evan Rosier by his side. Regulus had a book in his hands and wore his quidditch jumper, while Evan had a joint behind his ear and wore loose clothing. They were walking towards Emma and Avery. 

"Wonderful morning, right ladies?" Evan says flashing a charming smile at them, more towards Avery. 

"Suppose so. It's a bit too warm for my liking. It's October for Merlin's sake" Avery says taking the words right out of Emma's mouth. 

"Speaking of October" Evan smirks at Regulus. "Are you guys going to the Halloween dance? I hear everyone already has dates and I would suppose two beautiful girls like yourself are in that category" Evan's eyes shift to Avery and her cheeks flush. Emma's eyes meet Regulus's and he shyly smiles at her. 

"Actually, we have had absolutely no one ask us" Emma says. "Avery was really looking forward to having a date too" She looks at Evan with a knowing look to which he raises his eyebrows at. 

"We both don't have dates either. Say, and I'm just throwing this out there" Evan says with a shrug. "What if me and Avery go and Emma and Reg go together. Date problem would be solved" 

"Did Regulus agree to this or did you just drag him into this?" Emma asked. She was genuinely curious. If Regulus agreed that meant a part of him wanted to go to the dance with her. Which meant at least 0.01% of him liked her. 

"I have his full consent" A wolfish grin spread across the boys face. He turns to Avery. 

"What do you say, darling?" Avery basically melted at his words. American's are suckers for British accents that was a known fact. 

"Of course" Avery says. Evan turns to Regulus and motions his head towards Emma. Regulus bites his lip.

"Emma would you like to go to the dance with me?" He asks. His heart was hammering in his chest as he asked the question. 

"Yeah, why not" She shrugged. A huge smile took over Regulus's face. 

"Great" He replies. "Oh, um, I have this for you" He handed her a book. "I figured since you like that book you would like this one. If you've already read it I left some notes in the margins so it would still be interesting" 

Emma felt her heart skip a beat. She looks down at the copy of Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. She, surprisingly had not read it yet. 

"Thank you! I love it" She exclaims. In the heat of the moment she throws her arms around him and hugs him. Regulus stands there shocked before he slowly wrapped his arms around the girl. 

Both of the teens felt the fire set on their skin. They ignored it and split apart from one another. All of the sudden it felt extremely cold. 

Avery and Evan looked at each other with smirks. Silently they were both agreeing that they had to get them together. 


a/n: I know this is an extremely short chapter, but I needed to publish something. I hope you enjoyed it even though it was short :)

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