-Chapter 7- (Training)

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Silver stopped me from hitting the ground with his telekinesis, 'Not bad, you're getting a lot better at this!' 

'You say that every single time.' I crossed my arms as he lowered me slowly onto the ground, 'How the hell does this whole power thing work, cause I really don't understand.'

Silver shrugged, 'I dunno either. Want some sushi for lunch?'

'Not really.' I mumbled, 'Fiine. Sure.'

Silver landed on the ground, helping me up and smiling, 'Come on! Let's go!'

I slightly smiled back, not gonna lie, I kind of liked how upbeat they were. It was annoying at first, but they really grow on you. Mangey ran to me and Silver, smiling himself. Mangey seemed to not have a care in the world and just really liked to be around us all.

The Freedom Fighters were always trying to help me out, except Rouge, Shadow, and Knuckles. They didn't seem to care too much about me. I didn't mind though, they had other things to do. 

'I wonder if a huge scare or something will help you with getting your powers to surface.' Silver thought out loud 'Like a... spider or something!'

I shuddered slightly at the thought of spiders. I could handle small ones, but not spiders bigger than a roll of tape.

'Maybe.' I muttered, Silver waved to Amy, who was sitting on her front porch, reading a book. 

'Hey, Silver! Good morning Y/N!' Amy smiled warmly. 

'It's still morning?' I groaned.

Amy chuckled, 'Almost noon, but yes.' She stood up, 'How was training with Silver?'

'She's getting better every day!' Silver patted me on the back, 'Still no sign of powers, though.'

I rolled my eyes as we stepped into the house, the coolness of the house washing over my fur. I sat down on a chair, 'Ugh. I just wish my powers would honestly just work when I tell them to, not be super cryptic and have to be perfectly conveniently activated.'

I felt time slow, and a voice behind me whispered in my ear, 'Well, what if I could do that for you?' I recognized the deep voice almost immediately. 

'Hey Meph.' I turned to look at him, it seemed as if he had frozen time for all of us except me and him, 'Wait- can't I just go kill Shadow now?'

'That'd ruin all the fun.' Mephiles shrugged.

'I'm gonna go do it.' I reached into my boot and pulled out a dagger, running away.

'Nuh-uh." I felt Mephiles holding me back, he flicked me in the head, 'Mental manipulation, remember? You need the training.'

'No, I don't! I haven't even been with him half the time! He hates me!'

'Then make him not hate you, figure out what he likes, and help him out. Get into his head. Or have you forgotten?' Mephiles placed me next to Silver, 'Your powers may already be awakened, you just don't know how to use them.'

'Thanks for the help.' I grumbled sarcastically, shooing him away with my hand.

'You're welcome.' He peered into my eyes, 'It's not my fault you're too stupid to figure out how to use your powers.' He said simply, leaning back.

'Real nice of you. Now I won't use my powers at all to prove I'm cooler than you.'

Mephiles chuckled, 'Alright. Prove it then. You have all the time in the world.' I felt time resume, and Mephiles was gone.

'Wish your powers would work like that, they sound pretty useful!' Silver turned to look at me. I forgot about him and Amy, jumping a little.

'Let's just go eat.' I mumbled, loud enough for them to hear. As we walked into her house and sat down for lunch, I remembered what Mephiles had said, Then make him not hate you, figure out what he likes, and help him out. I glanced at Amy, 'Hey... uh, what's Shadow's favorite food?'

Amy looked up, 'Why do you ask?'

'He just... seems really grumpy, I want to help with that, y'know?' I lied, smiling.

Silver chuckled, 'Good luck, but you may as well try. Espresso beans, straight.' He answered my previous question.

'Do we have them?' I asked a little too quickly. I paused, 'I could bring them to him.' I offered.

'Eat your lunch first.' Amy pushed a sandwich in front of me, 'Then I'll get them for you.'

'Ugh, fine.' I huffed, shoving the sandwich in my mouth.

I'll show you how to get into someone's head. I thought, as if I was talking to Mephiles.

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