-Chapter 4- (The Conversation)

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'What do you mean, he knows Nine? No one should know of Nine!' Shadow grabbed my shoulders.

'I know, but Infinite kept of referencing to his existence. Do you think the Phantom Ruby has similar powers as the Paradox Prism?'

Shadow glared at me, 'If Nine is still... here. Then we need to kill him. He's a threat to home.'

'No, Shadow, we can't do that! If Nine's alive-'

'Then he'll just betray you like he did in Ghost Hill.' Shadow let go of me.

'No! He won't. I know Tail-'

'How many times do I have to tell you?! He's not Tails, he's Nine. He's not you're friend. He just happens to look like your friend.' Shadow was glaring daggers at me.

A shadow loomed over Shadow. How... interesting.

'Well, hello there.' A far too familiar voice said. Shadow turned to look at the hovering figure. Infinite, again. Like last time when we saved Y/N, Infinite was missing half of his mask, showing a blue eye with nothing but hatred inside of it. A small smile could be seen on Infinite's face.

'Infinite.' Shadow hissed, 'Perfect timing, we need to speak with you about someone.'

'Is that so?' He landed on the ground, placing his hand in front of his face. He turned to look at me with the one eye that was visible, 'And why's that? Could it perhaps be because of your little friend that I know of?' He walked towards Shadow and I.

'Drop the edgy act, Infinite. We beat you before, not even in Super mode, we can easily do it again.' I stepped towards him myself, pointing at the broken and shattered Phantom Ruby that somehow managed to stay on his chest.

'Well, I'll be nice to you all and let you know how I did it.' Infinite looked at his black glove, as if inspecting his nails, 'The Phantom Ruby's power source is immeasurable with the Paradox Prism's energy. I saved. couple of your friends from the world's that were intact. Such a shame that we'll finally be able to end your pathetic universe once and for all.'

Shadow threw a punch at Infinite, who simply tilted his neck to the side to avoid it, 'Tell us where they all are, and we'll let you live like we did back then.'

Infinite shook his head, 'I could never do such a thing to my friends. Something like friendship cannot be defeated.' He said in a very bad impression of my voice, 'Now, I want the A/T, give me them, and I'll spare your lives for the time being.'

'You're not taking Y/N.' Sonic hissed.

'Oh? Why's that. They have extraordinary powers.. I just would love for it to be mine.'

'Do you know your own victims pronouns?' Shadow asked.

Infinite stifled a laugh, 'Don't try to change the topic here, Hedgehog.' He tilted his head to the side and pointed his black glove to Tails' lab, 'The A/T. Give them to me.' He insisted.

'No way.' I balled my fists and held them towards Infinite, 'You're going to have to kill me.'

Infinite glanced towards me, his head twitched slightly. Infinite laughed a little, 'I did it once, I'll do it again.' 

Now it was Shadow's turn to laugh, 'You didn't kill him.' He grabbed Infinite by the hand, kicking him down and putting his jet boot on his throat.

I walked to Infinite, 'You're going to tell us what special powers Y/N has, okay?' I knelt down, moving the other half of his mask from his face. He had a yellow eye with a huge scar across his eye.

'And why would I do that?' He asked.

A fist punched Infinite across the face, Infinite seemed to be stunned for a moment, then coughed up a small amount of blood. A red echidna was standing at his head, 'Why don't you do what they said.' Knuckles demanded.

'There you are.' I mumbled, 'Find Sticks?' I asked, he shook his head, he pointed to the Koco, who were looking across Green Hill for her.

Infinite hissed, 'How dare you.' I heard a sound as the Phantom Ruby glowed, and Shadow, Knuckles and I were thrown back. When I got up, Infinite was up in the air, floating with his mask in hand, 'You will lost the pathetic A/T very soon, just you wait.' He sped off into the air, disappearing into the clouds.

Shadow hissed, 'Great. Just what we need. Missing Mobians and now one of them being targeted with so called powers.' He stood up and looked at me, 'Sonic, you know what to do if he shows up.' He turned away, then ran to Tails' lab.

Knuckles pounded a fist on the ground, 'If only the rookie were here. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants revenge on Infinite.' He regained his balance, glancing towards me, 'What'd I miss? Who's this A/T we're talking about?'

'Y/N. We found them being attacked by Infinite, and she's been concussed and hurt badly by her. Amy's taking care of her now.' I smiled, 'I'm sure he was just calling a bluff, like last time we faced him.'

Knuckles growled, 'I'll keep looking for Sticks, you go and find someone who could protect... whatever her face was.'

'Y/N.' I said bluntly, 'Gosh, can't even remember that, knucklehead?' I sped off before he could say anything back, arriving at Tails' lab, where Shadow, Tails, Amy, Rouge, Y/N, and Silver were.

'How did you get here?' I asked Silver, who was showing Y/N his telepathic abilities.

'Oh! Amy and Tails wanted to show me to Y/N, and I had nothing going on, so I thought I'd stop by.' Silver turned and smiled at me.

Y/N poked a floating pen, 'Incredible..' She mumbled, 'Is there a limit?' She looked to Silver.

'A couple dozen of tons.' He replied, as if that were a question he got normally. Y/N's eyes widened.

'That's amazing...' She grabbed the pen, then threw it far into the air.

Amy chuckled, 'Y/N is getting along quite well with everyone, Rouge is here cau-'

'Because I have something to say.' Rouge interrupted Amy, 'It's very important. You guys have the chaos emeralds, and I want them.' She held her hand out, 'Don't make me use force.' She beckoned for them with her hand. Shadow groaned, then slapped Rouge's hand away with his own.

'Pay no attention to her, what is actually important here is that we got some info from Infinite.' He pointed to Y/N, 'She's apparently got extraordinary power that he wants for himself. So he's not going to let us keep Y/N without putting up a fight.'

Y/N pointed at themselves, confused, 'Me? You must be mistaken- I-I'm an ordinary Mobian.' They put their hands out, shaking them.

'Infinite says otherwise. So looks like we're going to have to train you to use your power.' I said, 'What do ya say? Ready to fight for yourself?' I held a hand out to Y/N.

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