"Good wins again, shocker,"

Ana started writing notes, scribbling down every bit she could remember. Brothers, war and magic. That was the basics to this story. She continued to write the bullet points until she was done. The last one read could be dead but they dk.

"Thank you all, now are free to go," Sader said returning to his desk with the book only to push it to one side. The other students quickly filed out of the classroom before he were to change his mind.

"But the wolves haven't howled yet," Ana said to Raven beside her who was packing up slowly, trying not to wake up the sleeping dragon in her pocket.

"Sader is known for ending his lessons at odd times," Raven replied "Your not a reader you should know these things,"

"I guess I've been so focused on studying rather then reading up about the school. My parents have never told me much about either schools now I come to think of it," Ana said packing up her things slowly.

"Miss. Charming it's a surprise to see you in this school. I would have expected you to have followed in your parents footsteps," a voice in front of us spoke. The two girls looked up to see Sader who hadn't even raised his head from his work. Somehow he wrote perfectly on the page even though he couldn't see a thing. "Yet I expect you to follow in their famous footsteps nonetheless,"

"That is the plan, yes Professor," Ana answered. The room changed to a more awkward atmosphere. There was a silence after Ana said that as the two girls stood there in the room. I suspect the teacher had already thought they'd left. They slowly went to the back of the room "Thank you Professor," Ana said as they left the room.

"Thank you? Who says thank you to a teach?" Raven said with a confused look planted on her face.

"Me?" Ana asking almost like how is that bad.

"That would have been good if you were an Ever but your not... at least anymore. You need to toughen up if you are to be here. Otherwise you'll end up in the doom room before long," Raven said starting to walk down the hall as Ana followed along.

"Now what is this doom room? I've heard about the name but no one will tell me what it is," Ana stated as she continued to walk.

"Most people are scared to talk about it because it may land them there. I'm not too bothered as it's part of my power," Raven said dodging the crowd we had come across. Ana followed behind her and doges through the crowd. She accidentally bashed a girl as she went past of her.

"Watch it newbie!" The girl yelled. Her short blonde hair sitting above her shoulders and she was not wearing the correct school uniform at all.  She wore some form of it but a more fashioned version of it. "Ahhhh the new princess,"

"Sorry I didn't mean to," Ana said trying to get past before another girl with black and red hair pushed her back.

"Where are you going?" The girl said with a threatening tone.

"You know you have a lot to learn princess. Almost like I once did but I seem to be a much faster learner," the girl said as the group erupted into laughter around her.

"Your Sophie that everyone is talking about," Ana said with a smart tone

"Of course everyone is talking about me. I'm sure it's about my lessons or my fashion or-," with courage Ana cut Sophie off.

"No actually. They say you could have been the best villain there is but you fucked it up so badly that now your just an embarrassment," Ana spat at the girl with a sour tone. "Maybe you should watch me instead. I listen and I learn fast," Sophie was enraged. She might as well of had a red face and steam coming out of her ears. She was so angry she stood there. "Cat got ya tongue? Don't underestimate me dear. Just because I was born an Ever doesn't mean I can't be as evil as you all can. Now if you'll excuse me I have a test to study for, as unlike you I care more about my grades rather then how I look,"

Ana barged past the group and started walking this time with Raven rushing behind. Ana felt confident and happy that she just did that. She didn't even know where it came from. They turned the corner of the corridor and she stopped to look at Raven.

"How do you do from thank you sir to that?" Raven asked genuinely impressed with how quickly she switched.

"I have no clue," she turned towards the rest of the corridor and saw a figure. The red magic again. "Do you-," she said before she stopped talking. The figure tops there, cloaked. It moved slightly to reveal the door she saw yesterday. The locks and planks were still intact as the figure showcased the door. It was as if he was showing her something. Then this thing went through the door, didn't open it, just straight through the door.

"Do you wha-," Raven asked before she was interrupted

"Do you see that?" Ana pointed to the empty hallway "It went through the door, did you see it?"

"Who? What person? I don't see anyone," Raven said as Ana looked genuinely scared. She realised Raven was looking and she saw nothing, making her look fucking crazy.

"Haha gotcha," Ana laughed "I told you I can just flip. I so got you, the look on your face was so funny,"

"Ok yeh ha ha very funny," Raven said not very impressed "you have a talent though best use it to your advantage,"

Yet Ana wasn't listening. She was too busy in thought wondering what does this shadow want? Why is it always here? Does it want me to find the door?

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