"Baby?" I whimper and flip over onto my other side, feeling gentle pokes on my back. "Babeee" she whines and I realize it's not just a dream, which only makes me groan in protest. "I can't sleep" I hear her whisper and I turn back over to face her, blinking slowly until my eyes focus on her face. "Sorry" she mumbles and I just pull her close to me, laying her head on my chest.

I stroke her hair and rub her back in small circles, trying to soothe her. I feel her continue to stir and it becomes clear that she's not going back to sleep. I open my eyes all the way, not being able to relax knowing that she'll be up alone. "Are you hungry?" I ask, "surprisingly... no" she giggles and I smile.

I can't even be annoyed with her for waking me up. I wouldn't want her to be alone and I can never get enough time with her during the day, there's just not enough hours. "Come on, let's go for a walk" I suggest, scooting until I reach the edge of the bed. I hear the covers rustle behind me and I slip on my shoes, standing up and waiting for her to do the same.

We exit the house in our pjs, a little chill making me shiver. "Maybe we should've dressed better" I shake my head, "you can keep me warm" I smirk. She smiles cutely and wraps an arm around me, pulling me close to her body and rubbing my arm. Our feet, as could be expected, lead us to the waterhole.

We sit on a ledge hanging over, our feet hanging over the water. She makes no effort or mention to getting in and I don't comment as I don't particularly want to strip in the cold. We sit and talk about mindless things, mainly just enjoying each other's presence. I intertwine our fingers and smile at her, knowing there's no place I'd rather be.

"No one else could get me up at the ass crack of dawn—with a smile on my face no less" I say and she chuckles, "well, I'm honored in that case" she places a kiss on my cheek and I rest my head on her shoulder. We sit there for a while more, Delia beginning to sing at one point and almost sending me back to sleep.

Eventually, we feel it's time to head back and I propose we make breakfast for the others since we're awake. I've noticed her mom tends to cook for everyone and, though she doesn't seem to mind, I want to give her a break. It doesn't take us long to fix everything up but I do take note of how much food it really takes to feed everyone.

Thinking of her mom doing this all by herself every day just amazes me. "Your mom is like a superhero" I comment absentmindedly, "she really is" Delia agrees. "She does this everyday?" I ask, turning to look at her as we finish setting the table. "Yep. 3 meals a day most times too" she thinks aloud with a look of surprise on her face.

"But... now she has a new daughter who likes very much to help out I think" she whispers, placing her arms over my shoulders and placing a peck on my lips. "Mmm I think said daughter might convince her to take a break and let her other daughters fend for themselves" I tease, "you've had my mom's cooking. Do you really wanna miss out on that?" She smirks and I have to admit she has a point.

I hear footsteps and I turn to see her mom coming down the stairs. She smiles at us and then turns to the kitchen in surprise. "You cooked..." she mumbles, "yep. We were just about to wake everyone" I answer as I grab the platters and set them on the table. "Thank you" she sighs gratefully, "no problem" I smile widely and she gives me a quick hug before going to the table.

Delia gives me an excited thumbs up and I shake my head amused. I wake everyone up and return downstairs with all of them following me promptly at the mention of food. Light conversation ensues as we eat and I begin to really notice a lot of things; patterns they all have with ways of speaking or moving for example.

"You all can shapeshift?" I ask suddenly and they all turn at my abrupt question, "uhh yeah..." Diane answers and I nod as I think. "So... are there like... specific forms you can take on or any?" I follow up with as I think aloud and Delia clears her throat. "It's uhh any person" she mumbles and I eye her curiously. She looks back at me and smiles nervously which makes me narrow my eyes.

"Ok... in my defense-" "good lord" her mom interjects and I giggle as she shakes her head. "What? She wasn't talking to me!" The blonde exclaims which only intrigues me more. "That one night you ummm saw someone outside your window?" I nod for her to go on and she swallows, "you called the police and Walter showed up..." she trails and it doesn't take me long to catch on.

"That was you?!" I ask surprised and she nods as a blush crosses her cheeks. "But I can't do it for as long so that's why he was in such a hurry" she adds which does make sense of everything. "Wait a minute... ok so—Wilhemina wasn't the only one who tried to trick me. Have any more of you done this?" I ask and everyone sort of glances away from me. "Spill it. Now" I demand, "well, firstly, don't try and tell me what to do. Secondly, when I did it you didn't know it was me. I'm actually good at it" Mina scoffs.

"Ok fuck you" Audrey chimes in and the redhead raises her eyebrows menacingly, making the short-haired blonde roll her eyes. "I only did it once technically. I met you once in the grocery store and never again" the redhead tells and my jaw drops a little as I remember thinking the blonde was weird that day but brushing it off.

"You were a bit mouthy to me, not very pleasant I have to admit" she recalls, "yeah, we know you like yours a little more submissive" Diane chuckles which causes Mina to glare at her. "And now you love me" I say funnily; "Well... I didn't say that" she states, "it's ok. You didn't have to, I know you do" I smirk and she smiles a bit as she playfully rolls her eyes. "Wait so... if it wasn't you in the restaurant that day then who was it?" I ask as I glance around the table.

"Guilty" Audrey calls out, covering her mouth as she hadn't quite finished chewing. "Geez has there been a single person that hasn't pretended to be Delia?" I ask and Diane is the first to speak up. "Well, I pretended to be Wilhemina so... yes?" She jokes and stare at her with a straight face which makes her chuckle. "When?" I ask and she tells me about that day on the boat when I was asked to tell them apart.

"This is... trippy" I breathe out as I think back, "surely you never..." I trail as I look at Lana and she smiles shyly. "Oh my gosh" I comment, "but I only did it to help you both!" She justifies and I gesture for her to go on as I take a sip of juice. She proceeds to bring up the other time I hadn't been talking to Delia; after I'd found out she was a mermaid.

"I couldn't just let things stay like... that. You were both hurting and I knew you were just overwhelmed. I know how it feels to be separated from the one you love... it just didn't feel right to leave things be when I could help" she finishes and I pout at her sweet words. "Thank you" I sigh happily and she smile softly as she nods.

"Anything else?" I ask dramatically after a moment, "I think that's it" Audrey chuckles. "Damn well better be" their mom calls out and we all laugh. The table is cleared and they propose a swim since we're supposed to leave tomorrow. They want to make the most of their trip as they don't get to swim often and I have no protests because I love seeing them in such a relaxed state.

I change into my swimsuit and we head off to a different spot this time. It's like a closed off section of the beach, surrounded by trees in a semi-circle; opening up to the water and horizon which glistens in the sun. I look around in awe, amazed at the thought of how many hidden gems could be around here. We're soon in the water and they're splashing each other as their mom watches from a rock closer to shore.

"Watch this" Delia whispers and almost immediately after Audrey yelps a bit. "Little fucker" she comments and I look back to Delia who giggles quietly. It happens again but this time to Diane whose eyes very quickly land on Delia. My love simply shrugs as though she's done nothing wrong but Diane narrows her eyes.

"It was you!" Audrey calls out and I look down to see a little crab in my girlfriend's hand. I put it all together and I start chuckling as she sends it back in the water. It's clear enough for me to see it swim towards the girls, who disperse in hopes of avoiding it. They can move faster so they're basically just swimming away and dodging every time it comes near until Delia is in a fit of giggles and stops.

"Mom should've named you Ariel since you're such friends with the crabs" Mina scoffs, "but you're the one with red hair" I point out while giggling. "Thank you, baby. Thank you" Delia says as she places a kiss on my head. We play around for a bit more then I float calmly as they dart around playing tag; watching them I smile to myself.

They may be a little chaotic... but my little found family is more than I could've ever hoped for.

The End

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