A normal day at Baratie

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Y/N-"Oii Sanji! 2 tomatina soup at table 4c and cream of mushroom at table 3 B. Prepare it fast!"

Sanji- On itt!

Y/N- {turning to the customer} Hello handsome sir , what can i get for you? I must admit , you got a nice hair. and ma'am , you style is soo classy.

Customers - [both are flattered] aww you sweet little thing. Tell me the today's specials. We'll choose from it.  

{a loud bang} What was that?

Turned to look and saw sanji fighting the customer who tried to harass you. you were pleased to see the old guy getting beaten up.

Y/N- {smirking} "Oh dont worry about that ma'am and sir ,sanji is  just teaching  people some basic manners. Anything else?"

Sanji thrashed him until some people held him back. 

Sanji- "If you dare to speak to my sister like that once more, i wont hesitate to do more."

Eventually Zeff came in and kicked Sanji. 

Sanji- "Ow you old geezer , what was that for?"

Zeff: "How much times did you got into fight today you brat?"

Sanji- Dont know , didnt count.

Zeff: Shut up{ saying that he kicked again}

Eventually you came in and stepped between them. 

Y/N- "Come on you two. Zeff , he just kicked a guy who was harassing me. i dont see a problem in that. plus , customers are waiting for food , so both of you start cooking . Chop Chop.

Zeff: (laughing) fine , whatever.


Y/N- Today was quite a day right sanji?

Sanji- yup. Cooked many dishes , kicked many people and talked with beautiful ladies.

Y/N- (Chuckles) Thank god today you didn't get any blood on the food or table. Anyways , pass me a cigarrate.

Sanji- Here {passing} , you shouldn't be smoking much tho. 

Y/N- Dont worry , i always keep a track. Meanwhile you don't.

Sanji- Ya Ya , look there.{pointing at the sea}

It was the sunset. The sun slowly went down and the sky was filled with an yellow - orangish glow. You both stopped talking and listened to the soothing wave sound . Sanji pulled you closer and kissed you on the forehead.

 Sanji- "Have a great night , cupcake"

Y/N- {smiling} you too Mr. Ass kicker

And they went back to their rooms , laughing and secretly thankful for each other's company.

Dartbrows and marimo (sanji's sister x Zoro)Where stories live. Discover now