Chapter nine: the results

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After a few weeks after you got it you ran into the bathroom leaning over the toilet you puked you didn't eat much that day and you kind of wondered if you were sick or maybe even pregnant this thought only made your stomach turn you sat down your back to the wall Jack appeared in the door way his headphones on you assumed e just got finished with a video he put them around his neck he leaned on the door way "you okay?" He asked you gave a nod "can you do me a favor?" You asked you really didn't feel like going anywhere Jack gave a smile "sure!" He said cheerfully you stood up looking at him "I need you need to get me a...pregnancy test..." Jacks face went sort of pale but he quickly bounced back to himself he smiled he pointed to the ceiling putting his other hand on his hip "I will be back!" He stated and ran off you walked up the hallway and watched as your boyfriend placed his headphones on the table and gave shi'a keys and disappeared out the door you shook your head giving yourself a small smile you went over picking up his head phones and taking them back to his room where his computer was set up his computer was on you placed his headphones next to his mic his computer dinged your eyes looked at the screen it was Skype you were being a bit nosy you looked at it it read 'hey!' You pulled up the contact it was mark you shook your head leaving it alone it dined again you glanced at it mark was asking if Jack could record with him later today you wanted to answer for him but respected his privacy you walked out and before you knew it Jack came back in a bag in hand he closed the front door he looked at you with a smile you were sitting on the couch in the living room you were laying down you felt sickly and hoped you were just sick he handed you a box you looked at it for a moment and you get up going into the bathroom and used it you sat over the sink waiting for the result you did another one and another all where the same result you nearly broke into tears you put your hands over you face you heard a knock on the door "(y/n)?" Jack called outside the door you took a breath keeping calm "y-yes?" You called back "can I come in? Are you okay?" He asked you unlocked the door he came in looking at you smiling he looked at you with soft passionate eyes "you okay?" He asked you pointed to the three test laying on the counter he stared at them for a long moment all of them positive Jack put a hand over his mouth trying to take in the news your eyes teared up you put your face into jacks shoulder soaking his bright green shirt with tears Jack put his arms around you he pressed his lips to the top of your head "hey it's okay...I'm staying here I promise" he said softly you nearly collapsed in his arms he held onto you tighter making sure you didn't fall "'s going to be okay..." He said softly and your mind told you he was right it told you nothing bad could come now that you were safe with him he lead you to your room you laid down he laid beside you he loves you (long/short) hair behind you ear and out of your face "M-mark was trying to get ahold of y-you on Skype" you told jack softly he shrugged show shoulders "he can wait I want to make sure you are okay" he said back to you you rested your head against his chest he held onto you as you drifted into sleep

(Hello! I see some of enjoy this story! Well I do to but I kind of ran out of ideas if you have an idea or something please do tell me! It would be a huge help to this story!)

How did I get so lucky? (Reader x Jacksepticeye)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu