Chapter eight: im gald you're okay

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You pulled away from the kiss looking up at Jack who was smiling like a huge idiot he rested his warm hand on your face "I-I'm so glad your okay" his voice cracked like a teenagers as if he was going to cry this hurt you because you hated seeing others cry you hated crying in general "the doctor said there was no telling when you would wake have been out for about a week now...I didn't think you were going to get up..." You had so many questions and you were sure Jack did too you reached your hand up messing with the small tubes in your nose they bothered you but made breathing so much easier it was quiet for a long moment before the doctor came in "look who's awake!" His voice was cheerful and kind he went sitting down beside you writing down things as he looked at your monitor you looked over at Jack he had let go of your hand you reached out grabbing it once more he smiled at you could barley stand seeing how upset he looked

~~time skip to after she gets out~~

The doctor told you and Jack he didn't want you staying alone for a while so Jack said you could say with him for as long as needed you were so glad to have Sean or Jack whatever he wanted to be called that day you were in the act on the way home silently you watched everything go past in a blurt as jack drove you listened to the soft radio that played you pulled out your phone actually surprised it was still alive you went to YouTube Jack had 8 new videos all vlogs you looked at the info on the videos it didn't say much about what the video was about you looked around seeing headphones laying in the center consol "can I use these?" You asked your voice still a bit raspy Jack gave a nod handing them to you in silence you put them in going to the video you told yourself you would watch a while back ago before you overdosed you watched as Jack looked happier than in most videos his clap to the screen to enthusiastic "Top a the morning to you ladies!" His loud cheerful voice was loud but comfort you it blocked away all the pain and drained away your problems at least for that moment Jack went on about how he had met someone then about halfway through you realized he was talking about you "well...I met this girl...and I know my fans are going to kill me...or her-" he gave a small laugh as your eyes were glued to the screen interested in what he was saying "-and well...I'm going to ask her out...get to know her...her is a sweetheart...her is kind and quiet I know I'm loud but she doesn't seem to care...and I'm glad to have found someone like that...and she looked like she needs someone...and I'm willing to be with her...if she gives me the chance...well I think that's it for today's video-" you runs out his outro you looked over at Jack who was tapping his hand on the wheel to the best of the song on the radio his eyes focused on the road you began to watch each video you missed all the blogs were in the hospital of course he didn't show you at all he was always in the hallway when he and then you watched as each day past his voice became dull his eyes not so bright the bags under his eyes got darker and he couldn't keep himself together in the 8th video he had posted the day before you woke up he began to cry claiming he didn't know what to do curious you scrolled down to the comments most of them encouraging than you had the few that made your stomach turn it said 'leave her she is dead' or 'get over it she is stupid to try and do that' and things like that but oddly enough you didn't let that get to you you set your phone down as it does you took out the head phones "Jack..." You said softly he looked over at you then back to the road "yes?" He answered "did you even leave my side at all?" You asked he gave a half smile shaking his head "not unless I went to the bathroom I didn't want to miss when you woke up and I was going to stay as long as possible even if my fans got mad for no videos which I do have to catch up on" you smiled giving a nod you both made it home in silence

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