Chapter 1: Partner?

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" anyway! Junker! Come out! Show yourself!" Sojourn said, calling for her but no response.

After a few moments of silence. Sojourn chuckled and said " of all the days she's not here... sorry I guess she's not home today. She must be off butchering."

" if and if this Junker or butcher lives with you. Tell her to move out." The chief said, giving a warning to Sojourn.

Sojourn: " you don't understand, she saved my life in Adlersbrunn. I'm not just gonna throw her onto the streets. Also there's no law that saids I can't have my basement like that. Here, I'll show you the two demons living in my closet than you'll have to believe me." Bringing them both upstairs.

Going to the second floor. The chief was shaking his head. Knowing that Sojourn is a good person, and just needs help. John began to feel sorry for Sojourn, thinking that she's been overworked and has been bottling up all of her trauma's.

" Ashe! Bleezlebob!" Sojourn called out, opening her closet door. Only for it to reveal regular clothing.

" damn. The portal to Hell must be closed or something..." Sojourn said, feeling around her closet.

Yeah... both the chief and John looked at each other.

" Sojourn. Take some time off. Go clear you head." The chief said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

" don't touch me! I don't need your pity! Don't act like I'm the one who's crazy! They're real! Let me just phone the fortune teller and see what's going on." Sojourn said, picking up her phone but the chief lowered it.

Chief: " take some time. That isn't a request. Don't worry about your case, I'll have someone else on it." Making Sojourn loose her temper saying " what?! Your taking me off the case?! Handing my case that I worked over 3 months for over to someone else?!" Furious.

Chief: " that's right." Stern. " and if you wanna keep your job, I suggest lowering your tone and seeing the shrink as soon as possible." Handing Sojourn a card.

Sojourn scoffed and threw the card to the side, " fine. I'll take some time." Just saying that. Little did the chief know, isn't going to back off this case that easily. Going to solve it one way or another.

" I'll have John here reassigned to another-" getting cut off by John saying " actually sir. If you don't mind but I'd still like to be partnered with detective Sojourn." Surprising both of them.

" what? After all this?" The chief said, confused.

" yeah, I think once she gets some help she'll be fine." John said, picking up the card Sojourn threw to the side.

" fine. See to it that she gets the help she needs. If she doesn't, Sojourn you can kiss your job goodbye." The chief said, leaving her house.

" oh hell no." Sojourn said, picking up her phone. Phoning the fortune teller.

Kiriko picked up.

Sojourn: " oh thank god. Kiriko-" before she could say another word Kirkio was shouting into the phone " detective Sojourn?! I need your help right away!" Sounding like it was an emergency.

" I'll be right over!" Sojourn said, hanging up the phone and rushing outta her house with her rocket legs.

John, who is just a normal human being.

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