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We're back at Hogwarts now and the tension between the two of us is so high it puts Snoop Dogg to the test.

Gryphon's been quiet since I left her house. I haven't received any owls or hidden messages. She hasn't spoken a word to me since we started Hogwarts, even when we bumped into each other on the train.

She's like a shell of a person. Her jaw has remained locked, her eyes distant and cold. Every sound has her flinching, jolting with surprise. She's jumpy now, different since the last time I saw her.

Draco bumps my shoulder with his and I realize that I've been staring at Gryphon this entire time. I manage to keep my cheeks from flaming red and drop my eyes to the plate in front of me, food untouched.

"You alright?" He asks, his eyes flicking over to the Gryffindor table where Gryphon sits. "Is it about Bloodvest?"

I groan, dropping my forehead to the table.

Its been a week since Skeeter dropped the article about Gryphon and I. She and I have been the cause of whispers for the first three days at Hogwarts. They're just now starting to die down.

"Listen, if you two are in an argument right now, it'll go away. You guys are in the start of your relationship, it's alright." He says softly, trying to keep the attention off of me.

Mattheo's rambling about something him and Tom had done over the summer, but I haven't tuned into the conversation since the start of it. My mind is focused on the girl across the great hall.

"It's not a fight, Draco." I mutter, lifting my head up to pinch the bridge of my nose. "She's completely ignoring me."

"Did you fuck her?" He asks, leaning closer.

"No. Well, not exactly?" I say, my voice jumping an octave. "Kind of?"

"What do you mean?" Draco hisses, bashing his elbow with mine.

"Well, I used my hands and my mouth." I explain, rubbing the back of my neck.

"And did she do anything?" He questions, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I wouldn't let her." I mutter.

"Why must you answer so cryptically? Just tell me what she did—or you wouldn't let her do." He grumbles, sipping on some pumpkin juice.

"She sank to her knees. She was going to suck me off and I told her not to." I clarify, running a hand through my hair.

"You fool!" Draco whisper-yells. "You can't stop a girl if she's going to go down on you. It'll make them upset."

Cora leans in, rolling her eyes. "You're actually wrong. A girl doesn't like giving head unless she likes the person. If you tell her no, she's probably a lot more grateful than you'd think."

Draco furrows his eyebrows, tilting his head.

"It's like having a metal rod wrapped with chicken breast jamming into the back of your throat. It hurts a lot." She clarifies, huffing as she crosses her arms. "You boys know nothing."

"And how, might I ask, do you know this information?" Draco questions her, tipping his head to the side.

Cora shrugs, sipping her glass coolly.

Draco gags next to me, dropping his head to the table with a loud thud. "How am I supposed to live with the knowledge that you've had your lips wrapped around a dick?"

She snorts a laugh. "The same way I've had to live by knowing mom and dad still do the deed nightly. I hear their headboard against my wall."

He groans, covering his ears.

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