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"Fuck... fuckity fuck... mother fuck bucket..."

The moment I hear footsteps leading towards my bedroom, I start to search for a place to put out the cigarette.

"Fuck... fuck... mother of fucking fuck..."I whisper, trying not to freak out but inevitably failing.

Narcissa and Lucius have asked me to stop smoking in my room numerous times, each angrier than the last. The half-smoked cigarette sits between my fingers, a stream of smoke spiralling through the air.

I grimace as the steps grow louder and I can easily identify them. Lucius.

If he's home at two in the afternoon, it was a bad day at work. It means that his temper is on a shorter fuse than it once was.

I spot the green cup on my nightstand, water still in the glass.

Jumping up from my spot near the window, I dunk the cigarette into the water, hearing it fizz out just as the door to my bedroom opens.

I swear under my breath, knowing I've been busted.

"Theodore..." Lucius begins, his jaw ticking with frustration.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, mister Malfoy. I've been working on it but--"

"Enough with the excuses, Theodore." He snaps, pointing his finger towards me. "We've had this issue with you since you were fourteen! Every time you get busted, you say you'll stop and you never do!"

I wince at his shouts, my hands curling into fists at my sides. "I'm fucking trying! Can't you see that?!"

"No, Theo, I can't! You make no improvement." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "If your act doesn't clean up by the time you turn eighteen, I'll have no choice but to terminate your inheritance."

"You can't do that!" I shout back, my throat running raw as my anger bubbles beneath my skin. "You're not my father. You have no control over that account."

"You're right. I'm not your father. Or your mother. They're dead." He retorts, stepping closer to jab his finger into my chest. "But they left me in charge of you. They made it so that I'm your legal guardian until you're of age and old enough to take care of yourself. So, yes, I do have control over your inheritance account. Because, they left me in charge of that, too."

I bite my tongue in order to keep myself from talking back. All it's ever done is get me into more trouble with Lucius.

My knuckles are white. My fist aching to connect with Lucius' face. But I know that if I act upon my urges, I'll regret it later. It's how it always works.

Lucius takes a step back and then spins on his heel, making his way towards the door when he pauses to look over his shoulder.

"Get presentable, Theodore. We're having dinner with one of my old friends tonight." He states.

"Wow. I didn't know you had those." I mumble back, rolling my eyes.

And then he leaves, slamming the door shut behind him.

I groan to myself and drop onto my bed, face down.

What friend could possibly handle Lucius Malfoy? Hell, I'm shocked Narcissa can handle him the way she does.

It blows my mind that she willingly had sex with him in order to make Draco.

An hour flies by and my body is already craving another cigarette. I get to my feet, glaring at the red pack on my windowsill as I move towards the closet.

I have half a mind to go ask Lucius how presentable I have to be, but then I remember it's Lucius. He's expecting a suit and expensive cologne.

Grumbling under my breath, I step into the large closet and to the left where all of my suits are. I grab out my all black suit and a black undershirt. I slip into the clothes, unbuttoning the top few buttons to expose the silver cross dangling from the chain on my neck.

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