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A fine morning......

A boy and a girl around 14 years old were arguing ......
Boy : I didn't broke your pencil box !
Girl : then who is one playing with my box ... a ghost!
Boy : Maybe 😅
Girl: shut up you idiot.... and accept the fact that you are the only one who broke my pencil box ..... it is very dare to me it was gifted to me by my grandfather
Boy: whom do you call a idiot??..
Girl : offcorse you ... who else is there
Boy : shutup you tomboy !
Girl : what did you sayyyy.....youuuuu!!

Bikram & Naina together:  Samaira and Mayank just cool down guys .... class teacher will scold us and you both always fight on silly things....just stop it na .

(Yes you guys are right the girl is Samaira and the boy is Mayank.....and bikram and naina are besties of Mayank and Samaira)

Mayank:  Samaira started it only
Samaira:  I will not if you would have accept your fault  ..

They again started arguing

And Bikram and Naina keeps on telling them to stop ...

At that moment Meghna entered the class ....... and went towards Mayank because he was sitting in the first bench with Samaira
Meghna:  can i have a Physics book?... as our section is deficit of it today ..we will return it to you as soon as the class gets over.

Here Mayank was in the ninth heaven afterall his crush meghna is asking for a book from him only......

Mayank: Yes yes why not .... where is my book oh here it is ...
Samaira: But it is my book..
Mayank:  issuuu silence  ..

After taking the book Meghna said Thank you and left the class

Samaira in angry tone : why did you gave her my book ...
Mayank:  uff she wil return na
Samaira: but you should have given your book
Mayank:  stop your blabberings samaira  look at meghna she is a beautiful and intelligent girl.....not like  you a tomboy 😏
Samaira:  Go to hell with your Meghna.
Mayank in mind : i will oneday surely date Meghna 😙
Bikram : Bro stop daydreaming she is whole school's crush you will get a chance....and he started laughing
Mayank:  stop it!!!

Samaira to naina:  what did he said  i am a tomboy  how dare he and that Meghna a gold digger girl is beautiful and good in his opinion damn!!!
Naina : Why you both guys fight on silly matters..You both are like fight buddies
Samaira: i don't know 
Naina:  Do you know what whom we fight the most we love the most
Samaira:  you again started stop it girl.


Fews days later
There was a test on Mathematics and as usual our mayank didn't study at all and at last went to Samaira to request her to help him as usual

Samaira:  No this time I will not help you its your everydays drama ..... when i said you should study you are with Meghna and trying to impress her and now you should go to her and ask for help
Mayank:  please please samy only a last time please
After much pleadings Samaira helped Mayank with the sums and Mayank managed to get good score in the exam .......
like this there days were passing fighting and helping each other and unknowingly they were developing feelings for each other but both of them where unknown of this and our mayank is getting attracted to Meghna... whereas Meghna was using Mayank for her sake only .....this was not unnoticed by Samaira , she wanted to tell this to Mayank but he doesn't listen at all ..

Time flies after 4 years ..

It is Their last day of school from tomorrow they will go to their respective college....
And by coincidence
Mayank, Samaira, Bikram, Naina and Meghna got admitted in the same college ....
Mayank:  i am so much excited..
Samaira:  me too
Naina and Bikram : yeah guys very much exited
Mayank:  But the fact is Samaira you will not get a boyfriend because boys don't like tomboy girl 😂
Samaira:  shut up idiot i will kill you..
And they start quarreling and left for their home
Naina : What they are up to ...they are always fighting at the same careing for each other...
Bikram:  i don't know seriously what is their fate ......whatever let us leave
Naina : yeah
And they left         

So its the first part of Obsolete Ecstacy
Hope you guys like it

I have finished their school life in a first manner because this story will revolve around their college life....some flasbacks from the school may be there in future parts ....

Stay tuned!!

And yes how is the part ..let me know in the comment section

PRECAPE: Their first day of college...

Thank you

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