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Chapter 5


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After returning back from the beach, the pair of teenagers walk up to the house with an unusual cheerful hum in the air. Their usual depressing and tense mood wasn't suffocating them because their loud and warm laughter was still ringing clearly when they enter the house.

"Oh, shut up! That was one time!" Bonnie laughs, shoving the boy forward with a gentle push.

"Uh, no! It was actually like four times." Conrad says, his grin growing larger as he looks back at Bonnie. "Nearly five if I didn't stop you!" He adds, laughing harder.

"I was drunk!" She defends herself, pushing her shoes off her feet.

"Hey guys!" Susannah yells from the room over. "I want to paint your portraits first." She exclaims, running into the room with a pair of overalls on and a large smile on her face.

"Uh, why us?" Conrad asks, his sudden mood change, evident to both ladies in the room.

"Everyone else has things to do." Susannah says.

"I have things to do, too, mom." Conrad says, shrugging his shoulders.

"I think you can spare a few hours for your mother, hmm?" She says, looking at him with evident sarcasm on her face.

"I have to shower." Bonnie says, slowly making her way to the stairs. "I need to wash my hair, y'know."

"Bonnie?" Conrad says in disbelief, "You're gonna leave?"

"Sorry!" The girl says, running the rest of the way up.

"I'll be doing yours next Bonnie!" Susannah yells after the girl with a slight smile.


"Sit up!" Susannah laughs, smiling at Conrad after their conversation. 

"Hey." Bonnie smiles, walking up along the dock and towards Conrad and Susannah.

"Hey gorgeous!" Susannah smiles, looking at the girl whose hair was now washed and left in long beach waves down her back. "Cute dress." She smiles.

"Thanks. It's white just like you asked." Bonnie says, twirling around in the long white summer dress. 

"I see that" Susannah smiles, picking up a thin daisy flower crown and placing it on her head. "Wow. You look perfect." 

"Thank you." Bonnie laughs gently. 

"Come sit." Susannah says, pointing a stool next to her spot. 

"Hey Conrad." Bonnie smiles almost shyly and she sits next to Susannah.

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