Visit of Orphanage?

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Morning 9 am, a boy looking like cat face was sleeping on his bed, when his phone starts to ring.
He irritatingly got up and received the call without seeing called I'd.
"Mr Min Yoongi, would you like to come to hospital today?"?? Said
He saw the caller I'd and said.
"Yah Jungkookahhh, there's alot of time left, don't bother me"Yoongi said
"Mr it's already 9 am, that old man will kick you out of his hospital if you didn't came"Jungkook said
"I'm a mafia, he can't kick me out"Yoongi said
"You are underground mafia don't forget"Jungkook said
"My bad, well I'm coming"Yoongi said
"Come fast"Jungkook said
"Alright, bye"Yoongi said
"Bye"Jungkook said as he cutted the call

Let's gave you'll a shorts intro.

He is Min Yoongi, a mafia king, he is doctor as well cause he is underground mafia, he is 28 years old and he lives alone since his parents died.

He is Jeon Jungkook, a bunny boy, he is a doctor, he is 25 years old, he lives with his husband.

He is Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook's husband, he is also Jeon now, he is a doctor, he is 26 years old.

He is Park Jimin, the boy with little space,he is 26 years old, he lives in orphanage, he don't have anyone in his life, he rarely comes out of his little space.

No one adopts him cause he is little, he is an introvert, he don't have any friends in orphanage, he spend his time alone.

He parents abounded him after knowing he is little space, his parents thinks little space guy will make them embarrassed so one day they left him in orphanage.

Let's see flashback first.

Right now Mr and Mrs Park were sitting in living room when Mrs Park said.
"I can't bear that little guy, do something honey"Mrs Park said
"Althought he is our son but he makes us embarrass, so let's send him to orphanage"Mr Park said
"Good idea, let's send him"Mrs Park said
"Go and take him here, tell him to get ready we are going outside"Mr Park said
"Okk jagi"Mrs Park said
She wents to Jimin's room.

At that time Jimin was just 13 years old.
Jimin was sitting in his room playing with toys when Mrs Park came inside the room.
"Jimin bub"Mrs Park said
"Yes mumma"Jimin said
"Are you chimmy or Jimin?"Mrs Park said
"I'm Jimin mumma"Jimin said
"Baby, get ready we are going out"Mrs Park said
"Really?"Jimin said
"Yes, now get ready fast"Mrs Park said

Time skips.
Right now they are standing in orphanage when Jimin said.
"Why are we here mumma dadda?"Jimin said
"He just come to meet little people like you"Mr Park said
"Bub, wait here, mumma dadda is coming in a minute"Mrs Park said
"Where are you going?"Jimin said innocently
"Bubba we are going to use washroom wait here okk?"Mrs Park said
"Okk mumma, I'm mumma's dadda's good boy, I'll wait here"Jimin said
"Yes my good boy"Mr Park said
They both wents from there.
Time skips after 15 minutes.
It's been 15 minutes still Mr and Mrs Park didn't came.
"Where is mumma dadda left?"Jimin said while pouting
He was talking to himself when a girl approached him.
"Are you Park Jimin?"That girl said
"Y-yes"Jimin said
"Come inside kid"That girl said
"No, I'm waiting for mumma dadda to come back"Jimin said
"They won't come back kid, they abounded you, now you'll stay here"That girl said
"Y-you are l-lying"Jimin said
That girl didn't said anything and starts to drag Jimin inside.

Days passed weeks passed, Jimin waited for his parents to came back but they never came back, little boy got badly affected in these weeks.

Time passed and Jimin grown up, he starts to beleive that now his parents will never come back, he starts to stay in his little space for more time.

He made some friends but people adopted them, seeing people adopting his friends, Jimin hopped that someone will adopt him but no one did.

End of flashback.

Yoongi got ready and wents to the hospital.
"Hey bro, you are late that old man is calling you"Jungkook said
"Ahh that old man, fuck him"Yoongi said
"You can curse later hyung, go now"Taehyung said
"Yeah yeah going"Yoongi said
He wents from there.

He entered inside the cabin of that old man.
"Why are you late again Mr Min?"Hospital's owner named as Mr Jeong said
"Why should I tell you?"Yoongi thought
"My grandmother died sir"Yoongi said
"She already died 20 times Yoongi, use new excuse"Mr Jeong said
"Haha, she died"Yoongi said while rubbing his back on neck being embarrassed
"Tell me true reason why are you late?"Mr Jeong said
"I woke up late, that's why"Yoongi said
"Why you woke up late?"Mr Jeong said
"Yesterday, I was fucking your doctor, that's why bastard"Yoongi thought
"Actually, I'm kinda sick"Yoongi said
"I'm tired of your lame excuses Mr Min"Mr Jeong said
"And I'm tired of seeing your monkey face"Yoongi thought
"Sorry sir"Yoongi said
"Next time I'll fire you, if you got late"Mr Jeong said
"Then I'll fire your whole hospital monkey face human"Yoongi thought
"I'll never get late again sir"Yoongi said
"You can go now"Mr Jeong said
Yoongi bowed and left from there.

He came back to Taekook.
"What happened there?"Jungkook said
"Nothing Kook, leave it"Yoongi said
"I guess you got scold Hyung"Taehyung said
"There's nothing new in it"Yoongi said
"Well, I'm going to my cabin now"Jungkook said
"Me as well"Yoongi said
They all wents to there cabin.

Time skips at lunch break.
Now they all were sitting in cafeteria when Yoongi said.
"You know what, I feel so lonely"Yoongi said
"Then make a boyfriend"Jungkook said
"I don't wanna, can you guys stay with me?"Yoongi said
"No hyung we can't"Taehyung said
"I promise I'll never hear your screams"Yoongi said
"You are so shameless hyung"Jungkook said
"Leave it na, please live with me"Yoongi said
"Hyung please understand we can't"Jungkook said
"Why?"Yoongi said
"Just we can't, you feels lonely right? I have a solution for it"Jungkook said
"What is it?"Yoongi said
"Go to orphanage and adopt someone"Jungkook said
"Are you out of your mind kook?"Yoongi said
"I'm not hyung, just give it a try"Jungkook said
"I won't"Yoongi said
"Stubborn ass"Jungkook said
"Taetae, someday I'll kill your Junglebook husband"Yoongi said
"No, don't then with whom I'll do that"Taehyung said
"You both are preverts"Yoongi said
"Atleast we are not a cold ass like you"Jungkook said
"Whatever"Yoongi said as he rolled his eyes
Time skips at home.

Right now Yoongi was sitting in living room while watching TV.
He was seeing an drama where a boy adopted a little girl.
He suddenly remembered what Jungkook said.
"Should I really visit orphanage?"Yoongi said
"Let's drop the plan Yoongi"Yoongi said
"No, let's visit once"Yoongi said
He got up and said.
"Maids and gaurds, take care of house, I'm going out for some work"Yoongi said
"Okkk boss"Everyone said
Yoongi went out of the house.
He firstly wents to the mall and bought alot of toys and sweets and then he wents to orphanage.

"Sir how can we help you?"A girl said
"I wanna meet orphanage children and I wanna adopt one as well, if I like any"Yoongi said
"Follow me sir"That girl said
Yoongi wents inside while following that girl.

"Kids see someone came to meet you"That girl said
Everyone runs to Yoongi seeing many things in his hand.
Yoongi smiled and distributed all candies and toys.
He was sitting with children, when he saw a boy sitting in corner.
He called that girl.
"Why that boy is sitting there all alone?"Yoongi said
"He don't talks with anyone"That girl said
"Can I try to talk with him?"Yoongi said
"Sure sir"That girl said
Yoongi picked one of the toy that was left and some candies which were left and wents to that boy.

To be continue:)

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