{𝟶𝟷. 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢.}

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That was her "Older brother", Izaki Hayami. But she didn't really view him as much of a sibling, but something different. Here's the basic rundown of what Aiya discovered during the years.

1, she was reborn, but as the girl who was supposed to be her niece, Asami. 2, she has blurry memories of her past life, but she doesn't know how. She can't remember much, just faces and names and a few other things. The rest is like looking through a fully frosted window, you can make out colours and a few little things, but it's almost completely impossible to see.

It's been 16 years since her rebirth, and she's just simply confused by it all. She was named after her past self, Aiya, but this time she was now a Hayami. She has no whereabouts of her past fiance, as her 'mother and father' had moved to Tokyo shortly after her death.

She can't remember how exactly she died, and she's not sure if she wishes to remember.

But let's not dwell on that.

"Coming!" Aiya rushed downstairs and ran to the kitchen table as she watched Izaki get scolded by Mizuki.

Marvelling at the sight of the delicious breakfast, she sat down and quickly dug in.

"Thanks, Mom!" She stuffed her mouth with bacon, thanking Mizuki.

After many years of saying 'Mom' or 'Dad', she only recently started getting used to it. But to her, Mizuki was her sister, and Takeo was her brother-in-law. The same went for Izaki and his older sister, Satomi. To her, those were her niece and nephew.

As for the two youngest members of the family, Taku and Mahina, it was easier for her to think of them as younger siblings, since she had a few years to adjust to this entirely new lifestyle. But alas, Aiya still thought as if she robbed another soul of their chance of living as this Aiya, as Asami.

"Mom, is Dad coming back from his business trip today?" Aiya asked, eating her breakfast more politely now.

"Mhm! He's so excited to see how all our little Stars have been doing!" Mizuki beamed in happiness.

Aiya giggled, before taking a drink of apple juice.

"I wonder if he brought us souvenirs?" Satomi thought out loud, catching the two youngest's attention.

"Ooh! Ooh! I hope he got me that Sanrio bag!" Mahina branched onto the topic, causing Taku to join in too.

"I hope he got me the book series I wanted!" Taku dreamt of the book series he'd been craving to read.

"I hope he got pictures!" Satomi added in her hopes of what her father could've gotten her.

"Of course you do. He better have gotten me more snacks." Izaki sipped his juice, while his mother bonked his head.

"Ooh! I wonder if he got me the newest volumes of Tokyo Blade!" Aiya joined the conversation, so as to not be the odd one out.

They all talked about the things their father could have possibly bought them, eating their breakfast at the table.

As if their words summoned him, they heard the front door open as a familiar voice called out to them.

"I'm back! Where's my lovely family?!" Takeo happily exclaimed, walking into the kitchen while dropping all his bags to hug his dear family.

This was how Aiya currently lived her life. Peacefully getting by.

Takeo talked to his family one on one, quickly checking in with them, until he got to Aiya.

𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞 ✰ 𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇. (Hiatus!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang