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*WARNING* Change of POVS in this chapter.


"Honestly, I don't know why we're discussing this." Gally shook his head, "We don't have a choice. If Alby was here you know he'd agree with me."

I sighed, "Clint, Jeff how's he doing?"

They both looked at each other before Jeff spoke up, "It's bad. It's getting worse."

Everything is getting worse.

First, the boys and Maeve decided to run off into the maze, and now Alby's condition is getting worse.

Being first in command is shucking exhausting. I don't know how Alby did it.

"Alright, umm... just keep an eye on him. Thanks."

Just as they were about to head out, someone slammed the door open and I looked up to see that it was the runaway gang.

"Oh it's nice of you to join us." Gally sarcastically said, "You guys enjoy your little field trip?"

Steam practically came out of Minho's ears, "What the hell Gally. You think you can call a keeper meeting without us?"

Gally crossed his arms, "Last time I checked Greenie, Ashton, and Maeve weren't keepers. Do you guys mind waiting outside?"

"They stay," Minho spoke firmly

His gaze then drifted to me, "What's the point of all this?"

I knew I couldn't beat around the bush, "We got two hours until sundown. We've got to figure out what to do with Alby."

"You wanna banish him." Winston frowned

"No. No one wants to banish anyone. Alright? But he's stung. We don't have a choice." Gally remarked

"Yes we do," Thomas said

"You say something Newbie?"

"Yeah, we have a choice we don't have to banish Alby."

"Right. And how's that?"

Thomas snatched a piece of metal that resided in Minho's hand, "Here, we found this. On our field trip. It was inside a griever."

Dropping it into my hand, I examined the metal cylinder that had a glowing number 7. That wasn't what caught my attention though, It was the letters written underneath.


"These are the same letters we get in our supplies."

"Yeah. Whoever put us here obviously made the grievers. And this is the first real clue, the first anything you've found in over three years. Right Minho?"


It was driving me insane at how right Thomas was sounding right now. Especially when I found myself mentally agreeing with his suggestion of going back into the maze.

Gally raised his eyebrows, "You see what he's trying to do right? First, he breaks our rules and then he tries to convince us to abandon them completely. The rules are the only thing that has ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that? If Alby was here you know he'd agree with me."

"Stop pulling the Alby card," I said sternly

"This shank needs to be punished," Gally demanded as he ignored me

I didn't want to do it. But I had to accept that Gally did have a point, "You're right. Thomas broke the rules. One night in the pit and no food."

Gally was inraged, "Oh come on Newt. One night in the pit? You think that's gonna stop him from going into the maze?"

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