Unknown passage

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*WARNING* Change of POVS in this chapter.


"I swear princess if you don't get up right now I will come into your room. I don't give a shit if your dressed or not."

I groaned at Minho's banging on the door. With a huff, I stormed towards the door and yanked it open, "First of all, I was already up just let me change. Second of all, stop being a pervert."

"You just got up don't lie to me. And here, don't forget to put this on. I already packed your water and food." He raised his eyebrow while handing me a leather vest I'd worn on my previous runs.

I shut the door without a reply and started getting changed into the tank top I first came up here with as well as a pair of pants the one day I decided to cut into shorts just above the knees.

I caught my reflection in the mirror and stared at my hair. I knew it would get in the way so after somehow managing to grab a hair tie from Teresa's hand without waking her up as well as my own, I braided my hair into two french braids.

After lacing up my boots and making sure my vest was secure, I left my room and headed towards the still-closed doors.

The sound of footsteps alerted me to Thomas and Minho's arrival.

"How was your sleep?" I teased

Thomas groaned, "Don't remind me, my back is killing me."

I chuckled before turning serious, "Okay okay. You did eat something though right?"

"Yeah, Chuck brought me some food last night," he replied causing me to smile at Chuck's thoughtfulness.

"You guys ready?" Minho asked as the doors cracked open with the same gust of wind as every time.

"Let's do this," Thomas replied

And off we went. Running in one after the other, Minho took the lead.

"This way!" He shouted as we made another turn, "Not much further to the inner ring."

My breaths came out shallow by the time we stopped running. I gazed up at the large red seven painted on the walls.

"That's strange," Minho mumbled


"Seven is not supposed to be open for another week."

I could hear Thomas softly gasp at the large blade-like structures ahead of us, "What the hell is this place?"

"We call them blades," Minho responded

My steps faltered at the bloodied shirt lying on the ground. Picking it up, I could feel Minho and Thomas kneel next to me.

"That's Ben's isn't it."

"Yeah," Minho whispered

Dropping the shirt back onto the floor, I stood up, "A griever must have pulled him here."

We all frowned at each other when the sound of a device powering up could be heard.

I jumped back when Thomas turned Minho around and frantically searched the pockets of his leather vest. I stared at the device we previously pulled out of the griever as it made clicking sounds terrifyingly the same as the ones that could be heard from the maze at night.

The sounds became quieter when Thomas walked away but then acted up the moment he stepped further into the maze.

"I think it's showing us the way."

This time with Thomas in the lead, we speed walked behind him as he followed the sound of the device.

"Wait. Wait. Wait."

The Maze Runner - NewtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora