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Vanessa is the mom of Lynn and Lucy and Patrick is the dad

Vanessa: how could you do this to us?       
Lynn: Mom i want to folow my..                 
Vanessa: No i dont want to hear it.             
Patrick: You were suposed to finish school.
Lynn: But i want to become a model and there is a position opening in LA.            Vanessa: become a model what are you thinking you need to be a docter or a psychologist just like us and besides your not even pretty enough to be a model.     
Lynn: So you think i'm ugly?                       
Vanessa: No your not ugly but al the
other models als prettier then you.           
Lynn: God you are the worst mom ever i cant folow my dreams you think im ugly.  Vanessa: That's it pack your things and go i dont want you in my house anymore.
Patrick: Honey she doesn't have to leave.  Vanessa: Yes she does i am even more disapointed in her then in Lucy when she wanted to be a cop.

You run to your room and start packing you back you cal Lucy.
Lucy: Hey sis how are you?
Lynn: Not good.
Lucy: Why?
Lynn: Mom kickt me out of the house because i dropt out of school to folow my dreams.
Lucy: What, do you have a place to stay?
Lynn: No, i was hoping i could stay at your play until i have my own place.
Lucy: Yeah ofc you can come, but you have to sleep on the couch cause my friend has the other room.
Lynn: That's fine thx, can you come pick me up?
Lucy: Well i'm at work wait let me ask my t.o if we could bring you to my place.
Lynn: Okay.
Lucy: We will be there in 10 minutes.
Lynn: Okay see you soon.
Lucy: Bye.

~10 minutes later~

You are done packing and waiting for lucy to pick you up. The bell rings and Vanessa opens the door.
Vanessa: Hey lucy what are you doing here?
Lucy: I'm here to pick up Lynn i cant believe that you guys kickt her out.
Lynn: Hey Lucy thank you so much for picking me up.
You give lucy a hug.
Lynn: Bye mom Bye dad hope i see you again.
You walk out the door and you see a man standing in the hallway on his phone.
You walk up to him.
Lynn: Hi i'm Lynn Lucy's sister nice to meet you.
He shakes your hand.
Tim: Tim bradford but we have to go now cause we are suposed to be on the streets helping people.
Lynn: Well you are helping me so that counts to.
You guys walk over to the shop tim puts your bag in the trunk and you sit down in the shop with Lucy.
Lynn: Its weird sitting in the back with this bars between us.
Lucy: Yeah i hope its the first and last time that you sit in the back of a police car.
Tim gets in the car and starts driving
Lynn: Wait who says its my first time in a police car.
Lucy: What have you got arrested before?
Lynn: Yeah i ran away from home i got drunk and wanted to drive but then the cops came i refused to go with them so i ran but they got me i wasn't in jail or something so.
Tim: why would you run for the police that is just stupid.
Lynn: Yes i know its stupid i coudn't control myself i was to drunk.
Lucy: But you were always so innocent you didn't do anything bad at all.
Lynn: It was one time i was to mad at mom and dad it wont happen again.
Lucy: Okay i hope so.

You had arrived at lucy's apartment. Lucy got out of the shop en took Lynn's bag out of the trunk.
Lynn: Tim aren't you coming in you can get something to drink. 
Tim: Sure if Lucy is okay with that.
Lynn: Yeah i'm sure she is okay with that. 
You and Tim got out of the shop and you al walked inside. When you get in the apartment Lucy shows you a closet where you can hang up you clothes and Tim is waiting in the kitchen.
Lucy: What did you say to tim cause i didn't think he would come in.
Lynn: I just told him that he could have a drink before you guys get out on the street again.
Lucy: Oh then i need to ask him now what he wants to drink cause now he is waiting.
Lynn: Can i have a glass of coke please.
Lucy: Yes i wil make that for you if you come to the kitchen.
Lynn: Yeah i'm coming.                                  You walk to the kitchen and you take a sip of your coke Lucy and Tim have to go you say bye and they walk out the door you put the rest of your clothes in the closet and you sit down on the couch on your phone but you are so tired you fall asleep in 5 mins.

Heyyy i hope you liked this first chapter i'm not the best at writing but i hope you can enjoy the rest of this book. if you have tips please let me know

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