Rock Bottom

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French Narrator: Welcome to the dark depths of Rock Bottom. Home of strange creatures, and souvenir T-shirts.

Mrs. Puff: Oh SpongeBob and Maddie, I'm actually glad you're here believe it or not.

SpongeBob: I'm glad I'm here too Mrs. Puff.

Mrs. Puff: The robots of stolen priceless artwork from the museum, if you can return it all to me. I'll reward you with a golden spatula.

Maddie: Why do you want all that artwork?

Mrs. Puff: Don't ask questions you aren't prepared to handle the answer to.

SpongeBob: Consider the artwork saved Mrs. Puff.

Maddie: I gotta say Bubble Buddy for a bubble you really get around.

Bubble Buddy: SpongeBob and Maddie, the robots are plundering rock bottom's museum, but they've broken the roadway leading up there, you'll have to be clever and find another route to get in.

SpongeBob: What if I lick all these stamps and mail myself?

Bubble Buddy: Could work, but perhaps being sneaky would be faster.

Maddie: Barancle Boy! Are you on patrol down here?

Barnacle Boy: No, this is my second job. I work security, now listen, If you want to reach the Golden Spatula you need to shut off the museum security system.

SpongeBob: Do you have to iron those pants or are they wrinkle free? Unlike you...

Barnacle Boy: Pay attention kids, this is serious stuff. Now if we don't get this robot thing resolved, Shady Shoals will shut down and I'll have to move back in with my son and his wife and his four screaming kids. Now, you see that vent on the other side of the museum?

Maddie: Yes, sir.

Barnacle Boy: That's where you exit the museum. Good luck kid.

SpongeBob: I won't let you down Barnacle Boy!

Maddie: Hey Gary, you're on an awful long walk aren't you?

Gary: Meow.

SpongeBob: The Trench of Advanced Darkness huh? Sounds dark. Okay Gary. I'll be extra extra extra careful.

Sandy: Plankton. you best not be stirring up no trouble.

Plankton: Nonsense. I only want to help, help crush you all under my rise to power.

Sandy: What was that?

Plankton: Nothing. Say see those lasers there?

Sandy: You mean them things that look like fancy washing machines?

Plankton: To your puny brain I suppose. You'll need to turn on each one of those in order to cross the last part of the trench of advanced darkness.

Sandy: This better not be some trick varmint. Nothin' a little Southern elbow grease can't handle!

Maddie: Hey Mr. Krabs what are you doing?

Mr. Krabs: Well, I could have sworn me eyes saw a golden spatula here a minute ago, but I think it fell down this slide.

SpongeBob: Down the slide? it might have broken it's leg! I've got to save it!

Mr. Krabs: Go boy and girl, go save that poor spatula! Nice job SpongeBob and Maddie, That was some fancy slidn'.

Maddie: Thanks, I guess all that pant wax I brought has finally paid off.

SpongeBob: Last piece of artwork accounted for Mrs. Puff. I left no strange glowing stone unturned.

Mrs. Puff: Well now, nice work SpongeBob and Maddie, the museum will finally be able to reopen, and here's your reward.

SpongeBob and Maddie SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - RehydratedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon