Downtown Bikini Bottom

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French Narrator: Downtown Bikini Bottom, once a bustling metropolis, now a debris covered crater.

Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob and Maddie, the robots are destroying Downtown Bikini Bottom, we have to evacuate.

SpongeBob: Alright, but it's gonna take a while to get all this dust.

Mrs. Puff: Not vacuum. Evacuate, we have to get everyone to safety.

Maddie: Can we just load them up in the boats?

Mrs. Puff: That won't do any good.

SpongeBob: Why not?

Mrs. Puff: Because the robots have taken all the steering wheels.

Maddie: Couldn't we just drive in a straight line.

Mrs. Puff: No, there are too many turns.

SpongeBob: Those fiends, they thought of everything. Never fear Mrs. Puff. I'll get those steering wheels back

Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob and Maddie, if you're involved. I always fear, but i tell you what, if you can pull this off. I'll give you a golden spatula.

Maddie: How 'bout a driver's license instead?

Mrs. Puff: Nice try.

Bubble Buddy: This door is locked from the inside, who would do such a thing?

SpongeBob: Hi Gary.

Gary: Meow.

Maddie: Yes thanks for noticing. I have been working out.

Gary: Meow.

SpongeBob: Not done? Doesn't that mean-

Gary: Meow.

Maddie: Oh that's the entrance to the rooftops which leads to the lighthouse? Aha! There's another golden spatula. I could really use that.

Gary: Meow.

SpongeBob: What do you mean get Sandy to help me? I can get though this.

Gary: Meow. Meow.

Maddie: Oh that gap looks big. Okay I'm definitely not making that jump. How is anyone going to get across there? Uh-oh. More robots. Holy Dutchman's Ghost! That gap looks impossible. It's impassable. Okay, okay. I'll go get Sandy to help me out.

Sandy: Hey Larry, what's shakin'?

Larry: Sandy, boy am I glad to see you. I need your help, my TV reception has been terrible lately. I need to have someone replace my old antenna with this shiny new one.

Sandy: Yessir, that there antenna is shinier than a $3 bill, well, why don't you replace it yourself?

Larry: I'm not really much of a jumper.

Sandy: So what's jumpin' got to do with it?

Larry: Because the old antenna is up there.

Sandy: Woo! That's taller than a glass of Texas iced tea.

Larry: The robots have blocked off that building and I can't do all those fancy moves you, Maddie, and SpongeBob do to get across these gaps, all I could do is flex, wanna see?

Sandy: Yeah great, so what are you gonna do with the old antenna?

Larry: Oh that? It's yours if you replace it with a new one.

Sandy: Well I have been getting bad TV reception in the treedome. Okay Larry, you got a deal.

Mr. Krabs: Ah there you are boy and girl, someone's broken the sea needle.

SpongeBob: That's horrible, the sea needle is the cradle of crochet corner.

Mr. Krabs: Yes, yes it is. But what's more important is that there are tikis and shiny objects just outside the windows.

Maddie: Mr. Krabs, how can you think of money at a time like this?

Mr. Krabs: Easy. I just clear my mind. Money, money, money. Now listen here boy and girl, you know that I'll give you golden spatulas if you bring me shiny objects, but I'm going to sweeten the deal, if you can break all the tikis here at the sea needle. I'll give you a bonus golden spatula.

SpongeBob: Why would I want to break the tikis Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs: Uh, because they were laughing at you and calling you funny names.

Maddie: What kind of funny names?

Mr. Krabs: Um, you know, SpongeBob and Maddie ButtPants.

SpongeBob: That's not very funny.

Mr. Krabs: Uh, no, but they said your mom was ugly.

Maddie: Ugly?! Alright Mr. Krabs, break them I shall, you've got a deal.

Mr. Krabs: Good work boy and girl, here's the golden spatula like I promised.

Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob and Maddie, I'm impressed how did you find them?

SpongeBob: Well there were these robots, I met Sandy, and the lighthouse was-

Mrs. Puff: Okay, okay. Sorry I asked, here's the golden spatula that I promised you.

Maddie: Thanks Mrs. Puff. Now I'll help you guys evacuate.

Mrs. Puff: But SpongeBob and Maddie, you don't have a driver's license.

SpongeBob: Oh don't I?

Mrs. Puff: No, no you don't.

Maddie: Well if I don't, then what's this?

Mrs. Puff: A library card.

SpongeBob: Oh.

SpongeBob and Maddie SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - RehydratedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt