Flying Dutchman's Graveyard

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French Narrator: The graveyard of ships. Somewhere among this haunted mess a fearsome specter waits.

Flying Dutchman: Who dares disturb the Flying Dutchman?

SpongeBob: It's me, SpongeBob sir and my sister Maddie.

Flying Dutchman: I don't need any cookies.

Maddie: But I'm not a shell scout.

Flying Dutchman: Look kids. I'm too disturbed to scare the bejeezus out off you right now come back later.

SpongeBob: What's the matter?

Flying Dutchman: It's these darn robots, they've thrown me off my own ship, they have. Being thrown off your own ship is like having your pants pulled down in front of casual acquaintances. It's a sad, sad thing. Now those robots have got their own pirate ship and they're blasting away at each other.

Maddie: Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?

Flying Dutchman: Well, now that you mention it... get up to my ship and use the cannons to single-handedly defeat the robot ship. Any questions?

SpongeBob: Is that adorable hat available in a size 3?

Flying Dutchman: No, but if you do this, a golden spatula be your booty. Now get going.

Maddie: Ahoy there Squidward. Swab the poop deck.

Squidward: Yes hilarious. Don't you have a Platinum Whisk to get?

SpongeBob: That's golden spatula.

Squidward: Whatever, there's one up there.

Mr. Krabs: Ahoy there SpongeBob and Maddie, swab the poop deck.

Maddie: I already did that joke with Squidward Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs: Yes, well... it's a good one though, eh?

SpongeBob: Sure is.

Mr. Krabs: Here's what you need to do, destroy all the power generators on the robot ship, once the power is off, you'll be able to shoot the Dutchman's cannons to destroy the robot ship.

Maddie: Cannon do Mr. Krabs.

SpongeBob: We did it! We got your ship back and defeated the robots.

Flying Dutchman: That you did, but know that I look at it. I think I'll keep this golden spatula. It's so nice and shiny. It reminds me my first buried treasure.

Maddie: But what about our deal?

Flying Dutchman: Never make a deal with a ghost. Deals don't mean anything to me. Except for that great deal I got on butter churn back in 1873. What a prize I tell you. Nothing beats creamy hand churned butter.

Sandy: Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute Butter Boy. We did all that stuff and you're backing out like a sea weasel.

Flying Dutchman: Sea weasel? Arrr. them's fightin' words. If you want this gold thingy so bad, come and get it.

Sandy: Your on. Had enough you dirty ghost?

Flying Dutchman: Dirty? I'll have you know this jacket's been cleaned, twice.

SpongeBob: Everyone stop fighting! I think I have an idea.

Sandy: Here you go!

Flying Dutchman: Ooh! It looks like me ship, It's even got the little mold and flies. How thoughtful. Alright you rapscallions. Here's the golden spatula.

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