Legacy 4: part 2 (Keefe POV)

Start from the beginning

Keefe barely stifled a groan. This was going to get really humiliating, really fast.

"But in the meantime," Ro continued, "count on your teal-eyed Wonderboy feeling a little insecure, particularly if he finds out your spending lots of quality time with other dudes. And you know what? That's good for him. We all know that boy could use a little help in the humility department. So make him sweat a little. And you"--she spun back toward Keefe, who hoped neither of them noticed him flinch--"need to stop being so afraid."

"Afraid of what?" Foster asked, sending a whole host of emotions his way. She'd felt guilty over what Ro was saying--though Ro had somehow managed to tell Foster what needed to be said without making Keefe's feelings for Foster overly obvious. But then when Ro had told him to stop being afraid, Foster's emotions shifted to curiosity.

"I'm not afraid," Keefe argued, telling himself that as much as telling Ro. "I'm being a good friend."

"And how's that working out?" Ro countered.

"Awesome!" Keefe spat back, angry with Ro for pushing him like this in front of Foster.

"Yeah, it looks super awesome watching you draw until your fingers cramp every night because you're giving up without even trying."

"Giving up?" Foster asked.

Keefe threw himself back on his bed and covered his face with his hands. "Ugh, I'm so over this conversation!"

Sandor was the one to bring them back to reality, reminding them that they were supposed to be talking about how Keefe's mom was going to try to force Tam to kill him.

Oh well. Was it awful that somehow this conversation was almost less brutal than the one they'd been having?

Keefe insisted that he would not be forced to sit on the sidelines just because he had a target on his back.

The entire Neverseen wanted Foster out of the way and she wasn't hiding.

So Keefe told her that there was no way his mom would actually let slip something so huge until the last minute.

Tam wouldn't kill him. His mom had to know that.

But Foster...seemed uncertain.

And pointed out that Tam might be presented with an impossible situation.

Translation: he would let Keefe die if it was the only way to save Linh.

And Keefe could understand that.

If it was a question of saving anyone else or saving Foster...

He hid a shudder.

And then told her that yes, eventually his mom would inevitably decide she had to off him. He shrugged, trying to say it in an offhand way, but his voice cracked, and he knew Foster heard it.

She sat down beside him, looking at him intently.

And everything that had been said between them today--and all the things still left unsaid--hung heavy in the air.

"I will never let her hurt you," she promised him.

Keefe tried to pretend he didn't care when Ro said she planned to take his mom out next time she saw her.

Why did he still care? Why on earth did it matter to him at all? His mom had never cared. She had never cared about her son.

"Anyway, he added, clearing his throat. "I guess that means we agree. I have all the protection I need."

"Um, that's not what we said," Foster argued. "I--"

"I appreciate the crinkly forehead concern," he interrupted her. "More than you know."

"Way more than you know," Ro added.

Please shut up.

"But you're not going to change my mind on this, Foster," he continued, ignoring Ro.

He was going to be there, no matter what.

So he posed the question he'd been asking himself ever since she said she wanted him to stay out of danger.

"How am I supposed to live with myself if something bad goes down and I wasn't there to help?"

"And how are any of us supposed to live with ourselves if something happens to you?" Foster asked him earnestly.

"Easy. You'll say, 'Wow, that's the hottest Wanderling I've ever seen! Who knew a tree could have awesome hair?' And then you'll all sit under my stunning leaves and write poems about my general amazingness."

Foster shook her head, looking grieved and alarmed. "I can't believe you're trying to joke about this."

"Well, believe it, Miss F. I can joke about anything!" He nudged her with his elbow, but she didn't smile. She just sat there, her mood shifting further and further downward as she thought about what he'd said.

"The thought of you dying will never be funny," she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

Tears...for him.

He sighed and scooted closer. He really wanted to pull her into a hug, but...Fitz.

So he just assured her he wanted to stay alive, but wasn't going to hide.

And they went back to arguing.

And arguing.

And more arguing.

And circled back around to drawing his memories. Now, instead of feeling left out, she was suddenly all for him hiding at home and working on them, just like Dex.

Dex, who was often left out because his contributions, though vital, required him to stay behind and work his Techopath magic.

And Keefe admitted that Dex was his hero.

Partly because Dex was Sophie's first kiss.

Oops--he hadn't told Ro about that. But now he had a feeling they'd be having a long conversation about it.

Oh well.

As the argument continued, Ro finally decided to put a stop to it.

She promised to force Keefe to comply--using the dare he owed her.

Crap. She was right.

The terms of the bet were sacred. He would have to honor them.

Oh well. She had threatened to force his hand, make him tell Foster he was in love with her.

Maybe this was better.

But giving up that dare was going to cost Foster.

Ro insisted that Foster share her personal troubles.

It took some convincing--Foster really didn't seem to want to talk about it--but finally she walked over and sank onto the cushion next to Ro.

"Hang on," Keefe said, dragging his chair over and plopping down in front of her. "Okay, let's solve one of the Foster Mysteries."

She glared at him, and she looked so cute when she was irritated with him.

It made him want to reach out and grab her and pull her towards him and--


Can't do that.

Besides, just the thought of sharing whatever secret this was had her feeling very queasy again.

But then she told them.

She'd gone to see the matchmakers.

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