Chapter 1: Halloween Night

Start from the beginning

"Morning sunshine," I tease as he sits up straight next to me.

"What happened?" He asks slurring his words. He takes his phone out and turns the music down as I slouch into the seat.

"You fell asleep while talking with a girl," I tell him as he groans running his hands down his face.

"She kept handing me shots and who am I to say no to that?" He asks as I reach for my phone on the table. When I sit back he puts his arm around my shoulder making me freeze, "Did you have fun?" He asks. I turn my head and he just takes my phone out of my hand, "Picture time," he says not letting me answer his first question. He leans his head closer to mine and I smile as he takes it. I gasp when the phone falls from his hand into his lap, "You have pretty eyes," he whispers as I turn my head and look at him.

"What?" I whisper with a slight laugh.

"The sparkly shit around your's pretty," he says mentioning my eye shadow. His eyes look down at my lips and I panic as he starts leaning forward. I can't do anything before Kyleigh walks out giggling. He pulls away and I stand up quickly with my hand on the back of my head.

"I should head home," I mumble feeling my body overheat, "See you tomorrow," I whisper to Kyleigh.

"Stay. We can get breakfast," she says as I turn seeing Harry in his pajamas walking from the bathroom, "See even Harold is staying," she tells me. I turn to look at Chris and he's already passed out again on the couch.


Harry starts picking up solo cups as he asks us about the party. I love debriefing. Kyleigh starts telling us a story when sirens come racing down the street. We rush to the windows and see at least four ambulances and police rushing to the city, "What is going on this week?" I whisper as Kyleigh shuts the blinds.

"I know. A homeless man almost attacked me when I was coming here tonight," Harry says as we look at him concerned, "it was fine a policeman handled it," he smiles.

"Lucky you. Must be the full moon," Kyleigh says as we laugh finishing cleaning up. When the apartment is almost fully cleaned Kyleigh says she can do the rest tomorrow. Which means she will force Chris to help. I grab the clothes I left in Kyleigh's closet and change in the bathroom, after taking my makeup off. My fairy wings are propped up on the floor when Kyleigh almost trips on them.

"Those things are deadly," she says pointing at them, "I can't believe Chris passed out," she giggles.

"I know. He's always been a lightweight though," I point out. She falls onto her bed and groans at how nice it is to sleep. I lay down next to her and fix the pillow a little before getting comfy.

A little past 5 am I start to become restless. Kyleigh passed out two hours ago and my phone died. I slowly get up from her bed and walk into the kitchen. I glance at the couch and see Chris has made it to his room. Harry was probably kicked to the floor. I open the fridge and grab water before hearing some walking in the hallway. I let the fridge close but it's louder than I expected making my heart drop. I stand still for a moment before walking to the couch. Everything is so much louder at night. I go to sit down when there's a bang on the door. I jump looking at my phone. Who's knocking at almost 6 a.m.? They knock again but louder making me jump up.

"What is that?" Chris asks as he walks in. His pajama pants are barely hanging onto his hips as he rubs his back. The door bangs again and he looks at me with wide eyes. I start walking to the door to answer it when he tells me to stop. He moves in front of me and opens the small closet next to the door.

"What robber knocks first?" I whisper as he holds a baseball bat up. I stand behind him as he slowly unlocks the door. My hands become sweaty as I wait in anticipation to see who it is. When he opens the door there is nobody there. He pokes his head out and looks down the hallway not seeing anybody. He starts walking back in when a man pops from nowhere. I grab his arm pulling him inside as they lunge at him. I try to push the door closed but he pushes against it.

"Help me," I yell as Chris regains his footing. He slams into the door and gets it shut. I immediately lock it behind us and the man starts banging on it again. I take my phone out and fumble trying to type 112.

"There's high call numbers right now. Please call again later?" I repeat as Chris looks at me confused, "HOW ARE THE POLICE BUSY?" I whisper yell. Suddenly the door stops shaking. Chris backs away from the door and watches it. Our shoulders are pressed side by side as it becomes terrifyingly quiet.

"Go wake up Kyleigh. I'll get Harry," he whispers. I nod my head and start walking away when a blood-curdling scream comes from the hallway. I rush faster into the bedroom and wake her up, putting my hand on her mouth.

"Something's happening in the hallway. A man just tried to break in. Stay quiet," I whisper as she sits up looking horrified. When we walk back into the living room Chris still has the baseball bat.

"What the fuck is going on?" Harry asks as more sirens start to go off from the street. The four of us stand in front of the window watching the flashing lights lighting up people walking downstairs.

"Holy...." Chris whispers when a helicopter goes rushing towards a glowing center of the city. Fire is spreading up the side of a business building we pass every day to get to work.

"Fuck," Kyleigh whispers as Chris puts his hand on her shoulder, "Look over there," she says pointing to cars rushing toward the bridge out of the city.

"Where is everyone going?" Harry asks as he grabs the remote. We watch as he turns on the news and more and more reports of attacks keep coming in.

"There's a warning to evacuate the city? What's going on? I can't find anything online," Chris says looking at his phone, "Wait look at this," he says pulling up a video on Twitter. The four of us huddle next to him as he holds his phone out.

It's a video like the other one where someone comes out of nowhere and attacks a random person. Chris stops the video when it becomes more and more gruesome, "Maybe we should get out of the city?" Harry says as he watches other videos on his phone.

"We can't just leave. We have nowhere to go," I point out as an explosion lights up the dark apartment. The yellow burst of fire makes car alarms freak out.

"It's like fucking world war three," I whisper staring at the world outside the apartment. It's impossible to take your eyes off of it. It's like your worst nightmares all coming true at once. I have a feeling this nightmare has just begun.

Stay the Night - Harry Lewis & Chris DixonWhere stories live. Discover now