Daniel was too annoying to listen to, so Min Chen had also looked into 『Burnell』 and discovered it was created at the same time as 『Edith』.

Qi Mu was caught between hysterics and tears. The world was really too small. He didn't expect Christole to own the violin counterpart to 『Edith』.

After thinking for a while, Qi Mu laughed. "That's fine. Later, when I take 『Edith』, Christole and I can have a two-person ensemble and use the two violins."

Qi Mu pulled out the key to open the hotel door. He pushed it open, but he hadn't even turned on the light when something touched his waist. In the next second, his back was pressed against the door. Qi Mu raised his blank eyes, but it took a moment for him to recover.

In the darkness, Min Chen's voice seemed to come straight from the depths of hell, alluringly seductive, "If you and Christole have a double ensemble, then I also want..."

His warm breath brushed Qi Mu's ear as Qi Mu's eyes adjusted to the darkness. He rejoiced at not having managed to turn on the light-- at least his red ears wouldn't be seen.

The environment was perhaps too quiet, and the distance too close, and his voice was a bit hoarse. "Min Chen, do you want to have a double ensemble with me? But your violin is really..."

Qi Mu didn't have the heart to continue.

Min Chen's violin wasn't all that bad. He at least could be regarded as an ordinary member of Bai Ai. During his interview with Bai Ai, the examiner could have pulled him in without a thought.

But comparing Christole's violin to Min Chen's...

If the former was a natural sound, the latter was barely passable.

Qi Mu coughed lightly and concealed his smile. But Min Chen had sharp ears. He pursed his lips, and his dark eyes steeped in the darkness. He lowered his voice, "I want to ensemble with you."

Qi Mu replied quietly, "I remember we've played one before, like... Paganini's 《Etude No. 24》?"

Min Chen's tone was decisive: "Doesn't count, no one heard."

Qi Mu: "......" After a while, he said, "Professor Akkad and Dylan would cry."

Min Chen pursed his lips, "Too few people."

Qi Mu thought about it. "Oh, that's right, that other time, the college evaluated our ensemble of Beethoven's 《Spring Sonata》 in front of many people. You really scared me that time. Ensembling without rehearsing... that's the first time I'd done something like that."

"But, you played well."

That sentence, Min Chen didn't say it. He looked down at the young man in front of him, peering into his clear eyes, and whispered, "I want to open with a... piano and violin ensemble."

Qi Mu's eyes blew wide open, his surprise unconcealed.

To open a concert with Min Chen, what a privilege it was! This man, who was too lazy to even open his own show with his piano, wanted to ensemble with others? It was simply impossible to pass up!

After thinking, Qi Mu smiled. "Okay, let's have a concert. Once I get 『Edith』, then we'll open. By then... you'll have finished writing 《Twilight Under the Moon》, we'll play that one together."

The pleasant voice filled the quiet room with this answer that was just too gentle, and Min Chen's chilled eyes softened.

Moonlight shone in from behind him, coloring the youth's eyes as bright as amber.

Min Chen bowed his head and pressed his lips to Qi Mu's. At the familiar softness, he didn't want to let go. This kiss was so affectionate that though he clearly remembered he had to catch a plane the next day, Qi Mu gradually sank into the other man's rich warmth, shyly responding.

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