Roger: ". . . Ha?!"

The entire orchestra: ". . . ???!!!"

Turning to the violin group, Min Chen asked, "Alice, the mistake on the third paragraph? That was you, right?"

Alice cried out then apologized. "I'm sorry, Mr. Bertram. I'm not familiar with the third movement. I will practice it tonight when I get home, I won't delay the orchestra! I'm really sorry!"

Min Chen calmly nodded and gently said, "You've done a good job, Alice. It was only a small mistake on the overtone, it was a bit high. It's understandable you'd missed the timing. Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

Alice: ". . . Ah?!"

The entire orchestra: ". . . ????!!!!"

Say, conductor. . . Did you take the wrong medicine today?

When they recalled the Mr. Dorenza and Allen tended to guide their members, they paused and mulled over Min Chen's soft voice. It was as if the earth had found spring, and the snow had melted. The Bai Ai orchestra felt as if they had tasted heavens' warmth at last.

Min Chen nodded in satisfaction then snuck a glance towards the audience. . .

The temperature instantly dropped!!!

Qi Mu was gone, not even his shadow could be seen!

Christole coughed, feeling awkward. He kindly explained, "Auston, at the end. . Danial took him away." Implicating that, by the time Min Chen started his commentary, Qi Mu was already gone.

Min Chen: ". . ."

With a cold glare, the man picked up his baton.

"Again from the top. Make a mistake this time, and you can copy the score ten times for me."

The orchestra: ". . ."

You told us to have a good rest!

You were so good just now!!

You were very kind until now!!!

Little Angel, why did you leave, ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

Daniel called Qi Mu out as soon as the orchestra had finished playing.

Though he didn't know why, Qi Mu didn't mind, and since the rehearsal was over anyway, he left the hall with Daniel.

There were six entrances to the rehearsal hall, excluding the backstage. Daniel led him through the middle doors and he was surprised to see--

Outside the huge window, a clear river divided the city in half.

Looking out the window, Daniel smiled. "Oh, that's the Spree River. You can see the part that hasn't entered the Havel River here, and our HQ can see the part that's merged. You came from the corridor on the other side so you couldn't see it."

This corridor was similar to the one Qi Mu walked through with Min Che, except, there were no pictures of the orchestra's historical figures here.

Qi Mu looked at the setting sun and said, "Long time no see, Daniel. Was there. . . something?"

Daniel went straight to the point. "Actually. . . Angel, are you with Min?"

The question was so abrupt Qi Mu froze for a moment before answering. "Yes, we're together." After a pause, he added, "You can call me Little Seven. The name Angel was just Mr. Farrell's prank."

Feigning hurt, Daniel said, "Oh my God, did you really forget, Little Angel? The first time I heard your solo at the end of last year in Huaxia's B City, I called you Angel. Mr. Farrell wasn't even there!"

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