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 XXV. Lance Tour

CANADA: June 2023


@pastry: Oh, Lando is with you guys

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@pastry: Oh, Lando is with you guys

      @kinderjoy: what? No I'm not there noh...

      @maxvers: you are n idiot, look at what she is holding idiot

Kiara was walking with Mia. The two girls had accompanied their driver friends to go around Canada as per invitation of Lance which prompted Pierre and Lando to invite them.

They were talking to themselves, Kiara excited for the younger girl's show in Montreal after the race. Pierre who was walking just behind the girls, watched Kiara with a soft smile.

It has been an amazing season this year and he knew it was all because of Kiara. His heart skipped a beat, he knew what he was feeling, he had admitted it back in the hospital when she was unconscious.

He knew he had to tell her again, he had to or else it would be too late.

"You okay Pierre?" Charles asked stopping beside his best friend. The French driver sighed, "I have to tell her Charles." He said.

"Tell who what?" The Monegasque asked but looked to where he was staring at. There Charles realized that Pierre was staring at Kiara, she was buying some chocolates with Mia. He sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder, "You have all the time in the world.

But Pierre stayed silent, he knew he didn't have all the time in the world because they were being called to another PR manager for another meeting. He looked at his best friend and shook his head, "They're calling us again." He said.

Charles frowned, he knew what he meant, "Does that mean-" "It's going to be over sooner than I thought." Pierre cut him off. "Then you should tell her." He said.

Pierre was about to answer when Kiara called out to him, "Pear!" The two looked at her in confusion, Kiara was jumping up and down with a huge smile on her face.

The French driver walked up to her with the same smile on his face. Charles stood there, studying the two of them. He watched as Pierre listened to Kiara as she rambled about the chocolate she was holding. Pierre looked as if he was so entranced with whatever she was saying. A soft look on his face, Charles realized, Pierre truly do love Kiara.

He just hoped that Pierre would say the end of their PR could end what was real and what was right in front of them.

MONTREAL: June 2023

Pierre and Kiara were sitting in front of each other. Their PR Manager laying out how it would happen; their break up.

"You both need to lay low this coming break. No hanging out, no being seen together, no twitter interactions-" "You mean end our friendship?" Kiara asked finally looking at the man.

The PR Manager frowned, "That's not what I meant-" "It seems like it is." She said as she felt Pierre staring at her.

She shook her head, "I agreed to this PR relationship because it would bring good to the team. But this, it will ruin our friendship." She said. The man stared at her, crossed his arms, "I'm sorry Kiara but you agreed to this-"

"No. I agreed to fake a relationship, not end years of friendship." She stood her ground. Pierre saw it, the tears forming in her eyes, but he couldn't move. She had a point, it was going to ruin them.

When the man didn't say anything, she turned to Pierre, "Say something." She said. He gulped and stared at her, she scoffed and shook her head, "Amazing." She said before leaving.

Pierre sat there, he didn't know what to do. He was going to lose her, as someone he loves and as his friend.


He looked at their PR manager, the man frowned, "I'm sorry. But when you both agreed, it was already planned. You have to distance yourselves from each other."

He didn't say anything, he walked out. He felt like throwing up. Just the thought of it, he felt his heart break.

just for a moment | p. gaslyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu