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16 years later, Artemis Fowl had grown up to be a fine gentleman, if you could even call him that. A more accurate description would say he was more of a vampire, a genius one at that. Anyway, with his pale, porcelain skin and infamous vampire smirk, it would be only right to call dear Arty the perfect resemblance of a vampire. Sadly, he is not one, but one could hope, as his intelligence would've been a great asset to the vampire community, but not so great for the wizarding world, for his talents could even rival the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Though Artemis doesn't know now, he will very soon...

As usual, Artemis was in his study, working on a secret project. Ever since he had been revived, Artemis has been toiling day after day to regain his memories. Only a week ago had he recovered all of them. The process had been long and painful, but it was worth it. Right now, Artemis was examining a piece of metal infused with magic. Magic not from the People. This piece of metal was found stuck in the ground near the Police Plaza by Holly after a big explosion that left Haven with many casualties. No one was harmed though. Anyway, Artemis was doing Foaly a favour after Foaly reluctantly admitted that if anyone could crack a case of magic, Artemis would. Although the centaur's pride was harmed, Foaly had to admit that Artemis was a prodigy in his own right.

While Artemis turned and inspected the piece of metal, a strange phenomenon happened. A barn owl flew to Artemis' study window in broad daylight. In Dublin, nonetheless! Soon after the bird had perched itself on the window sill, it began pecking the window incessantly. Immediately, Artemis heard the noise and as looked up, he was met with a peculiar sight. With a grace that he should not have, Artemis jumped back in shock, is what we would like to believe but Artemis sat calmly in his authentic Victorian armchair, quietly gazing at the owl as it pecked away at the solid glass reinforced with clear titanium (a speciality of Artemis'). With a moment of hesitation, Artemis called for Butler after spending a few more seconds observing the owl's movements.

Butler was peacefully training when Artemis called for him. He was used to this as throughout Artemis' childhood, he had been called many times to carry a heavy metal component or to get the caviar from the top shelf. Through his charge's most recent years, Butler had gone through thick and thin with him and there were yet to be more dangers but also victories to come.

When will I retire?

Butler had grown old and felt older than he should have been when he was in his ripe forties, however, the healing had taken its toll on him, and 10 years swapped for more life. For a long time now, Butler felt like he was on borrowed time, so every second was cherished and savoured.

Back to the present, Butler came rushing upstairs to find his charge looking at an owl peculiarly pecking the glass window. What a strange sight to behold.

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