Will I be? Am I ready to face everyone? Face him? Maybe I'm just over thinking for all I know he might not even know I'll be coming? I'll attend the wedding and come back as soon as it's over. Spencer is my best friend, and it's her wedding! It'll be a criminal offence not to go. "Yes! I'll definitely be there!" I said after much thought and a ton of hesitation.

"Good. Cause you're my maid of honor."




"Emma, you're my maid of honor."

"I heard that...I just ah...SERIOUSLY?!" I exclaimed. A few passersby gave me weird looks, but honestly who cares?! My best friend is getting married and I am going to be the maid of honor!

We spoke for another 10 minutes about everything back home. I was walking along the pier which wasn't really crowded. She told me about everyone and anyone but of course she avoided a certain 'couple'. No matter how strong people think I am, it's still too much to talk about him. Maybe in another few years, or maybe never.

"Alright listen, I've got to get to mum's for some work. I'll call you soon kay. See you soon?" Spence said.

"Yes bride to be. I'll see you super soon." I replied.

"Good cause I miss you. Bye." She said before hanging up. And I can bet a million dollars, that she was crying again. And somehow that got tears to my eyes. I rubbed them on immediately and started walking along the beach when I saw a figure sitting on a rock.

I walked a couple of steps ahead to confirm what I think I saw. And there he was sitting on a large stone in a brown chino and a white shirt with his flip flops sitting beside him. My first thought was to quietly run away. But this whiny voice inside screamed the fact that he was the one who helped me last night. I mean for all I knew he could have just left me drunk in some random alley way ready to be raped by some homeless horny b@stard. So maybe that's exaggerating a bit, but, our relation isn't exactly hunky dory so can you blame me?

"Hey." I said I reached him, causing him to jump slightly.

I couldn't help but smile. I tried to hide it instantly but I doubt he missed it.

"You scared me." He said getting up and dusting his pants off.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything. "

"Did you see me during anything worth being interrupted?" He retorted with a smirk. I rolled my eyes of course he wouldn't give a normal non smart @ss comment.

We just stood there for a while before I remembered my actual reason to come here.

"Do you want to...?" I started at the same the same time as he said

"Wanna walk?"

We laughed before starting to walk. The fact that we were having a discussion like normal human beings and I wasn't scheming ways to kill him was quite a wonder. We walked for a while before I got enough guts to start talking.

"Thank you." I said. He looked at me with an adorable scrunched up expression, indicating he was confused.

"For what?" He asked.

Same thing happening a few days back I probably would have given a sarcastic reply, then again I probably wouldn't even have thanked him in the first place.

"For not letting me die on the streets." I replied while looking down at the sand. I heard him chuckle which caused me to snap my neck back at him. Due to 2 reasons firstly that sounded awfully familiar and secondly because this was probably the first time I heard him laugh. Before I could cover my shocked expression he spoke up.


"No, nothing." I said. I could feel the heat settle on my cheeks. Clearly embarrassed on being caught.

"Come on. Tell me. Why so shocked." He said lightly bumping my shoulder playfully. I had never seen this side if his and it caused a smile to appear on my face along with the darkening of my cheeks.

"Please don't be offended it's just I've never really seen you laugh, I guess." I said biting my lips while looking at the ground. That caused him to bark out a laugh again but this time I joined him.

After a few minutes of laughing he spoke up, "We really started off on the wrong foot. I would really wanna be more civil with you if not completely friends. "

I looked up at him and nodded, "I agree. Even though it was your fault that day." I added playfully.

"Oh please, all this wouldn't even have happened if you agreed to share." He said laughing again.

We continued walking down the beach and making small conversations. After an hour or so we walked back to the hotel in silence. It wasn't really an awkward one.

The rest of the stay was much more relaxing. When everyone saw us laughing together that day, to say that they were shocked would be an understatement. And their expression and questions caused us to laugh even more.

On the last night of our stay we decided to go for clubbing again. As I was getting dressed I realized I was more than glad I had agreed to come on this trip. I was finally civil with my boss. My player brother was finally getting married. I was my best friend's maid of honor and somehow I had almost closed a chapter of life, titled Jeremy. He will be brought up later in future, hopefully not soon, but hopefully by then I'll be a bit stronger. A bit braver. I smiled at my reflection on the mirror as I took my bag and headed to meet the rest outside.

...The end....

A/N: Just kidding! :P

Adrian and Aaron were as usual bickering when I finally met them all in the hall. I didn't even bother to understand what it was about this time. When Dave saw me he said, "Come on both of you. Even Liam and Emma have become friends now. You two need to stop too" I immediately looked at Liam who was already looking at me. I cracked a smile on catching his eyes, which he returned.

"Well I would love to only if Aaron here starts acting his age and not like a 5 year old." Adrian said turning away from looking at Aaron.

"At least I don't dress like one unlike you." Aaron commented before starting to walk away towards the door. Adrian gasped before following him all the while screaming something about scratching his eyes out of his face. Dave, Liam and I started laughing to that.

"Ok before she actually executes that I think we should stop them." Said Dave before following them.

Liam and I started to follow him still laughing at the duo. "After you." Liam curtsied as we reached the door. I giggled before giving a him a bow and walking towards the lift with the rest, to get to the club.


I honestly had enough of Liam and Emma fighting with each other. They finally civil now! :D

The next chapter will sort of be eventful. :P

This chapter was definitely the longest I've till date written. It's around 8 pages on word. So yay!

Tell me what you guys think. I need to know if everything is happening too soon. Or if it's too early.


I can FAKE a smile when I feel horrible 

I can PRETEND to be happy.  

I can do alot, 

But what I cannot do is pretend that I don't love you


Until next time!


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2013 ⏰

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