Varian's Demise

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Varian: You have to hide. No one can know where you are. Hide yourself!

Varian drapes a scrim in front of Rapunzel

Chorus of woman: And goodness knows the wicked's lives are lonely goodness knows the wicked die alone 

Pete and the other hunters run in. Rapunzel can see the silhouette of the action happening. The mob surrounds the Wizard and he melts with a scream the mob leaves and Rapunzel comes out of hiding. She moves near the scrim.

Rapunzel: Var? Var?

Vigor opens the scrim, where just Varian's hat, goggles, and the green bottle remains. Rapunzel cries, she grabs the hat, holding it against her     

Vigor hands her the bottle 

Vigor: Miss, Miss Rapunzel

The exterior changes to Carona City with Eugene and Madam Gothal 

Gothal: Well, I don't know why you're so despondiary, I thought it went quite well! They seem thrilled to shreds with their brains and their hearts, and this and that.... 

Rapunzel comes in 

 Gothal: Oh, Miss Rapunzel! I thought you'd be out festivating.

Rapunzel: This was Varian's 

Rapunzel holds out the bottle

Eugene: What did you say? 

Rapunzel: It was a keepsake. It was his mother's. He told me himself. I've only seen a little, green bottle like this one other time. It was right here, in this very room. You offered me a drink out of it.

Eugene (singing): I am a sentimental man who always longed to be... (talking) a father 

Gothal: So that was it. That's why he had such power! He was a child of both worlds

Eugene cries 

Rapunzel: I want you to leave Carona. I'll make the pronouncement myself: that the strains of wizardship have been too much for you and you are taking an indefinite leave of absence! Did you hear what I said?!

Eugene: Yes, your goodness 

Rapunzel: You'd better go get your balloon ready. Guards! 

Eugene exits 

Gothal: Rapunzel, dear, I know we've had our miniscule differentiations in the past...

Rapunzel: Guards! Madam, have you ever considered how you'd fair in captivity?

Gothal: What?

Rapunzel: Articulated. Captivity... prison! Personally, I don't think you'll hold up very well.My professional opinion is that you do not have what it takes. I hope you prove me wrong. I doubt you will. Take her away!

Gothal: No!!!!

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