Dr. Strongbow's class

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The students are in Desks as Lance arrives

Lance: Settle down, now! I have read your most recent essays. And I am amazed to report the progress! Although, some of us still tend to favor form over content........Ms. Rapunzel

Rapunzel: It's RapunZEL

Lane: Excuse me.....Rapunzel

Rapunzel: I really don't see what the problem is. Every other professor seems able to pronounce my name.'

Varian: Maybe pronouncing your precious name isn't the sole purpose of Doctor Strongbow's life. Maybe he's not like the other professor. Maybe some of us are different.

Rapunzel: Oh! It seems the artichoke is steamed!

Lance: Class, Class! Varian has a point! As you know, I am the sole Animal on the faculty. The token goat, as it were. But it wasn't always this way. Oh, dear students, how I wish you could have seen it ounce was. Where you could walk down the halls and see an antelope explicating a sonnet, a snow leopard solving an equation, a wildebeast waxing philosophic. Don't you see, dear students, how our dear Carona is becoming less and less.....look at Varian.....colorful. Now, who can tell me what sent these events into motion?

Varian raises his hand: From what I've heard, it all started the great drought.

Lance: Exactly. Food grew scarce, people grew hungrier and angrier. and the question became "Whom can we blame?" Can anyone tell me what is meant by the term "Scapegoat"?

Varian raises his hand

Lance: Someone besides Varian? Ah yes, Miss Rapunzel

Rapunzel: it's RapunZEL ..... with a ZEL. I dont see why you can't just teach us history instead if you are always harping on the past.

Lance: Well, perhaps these questions will enlighten you....

Lance walks over to the chalkboard and turns it over. On it is written: ANIMALS SHOULD BE SEEN AND NOT HEARD.

Lance: Who is responsible for this? I'm waiting for an answer..... Very well, that would be all for today... you heard me, class dismissed!

All students exit except Varian and Willow. Lance has his back turned to him 

Varian: You go on ahead, Willow

Willow exits 

Varian reads the board aloud: "Animals should be seen and not heard..." 

Lance: Oh, Varian, Don't worry about me, go along and enjoy your friends.

Varian: Oh that's alright, I have no friends, would you like to share my lunch?

Lance: Oh, Thank you! How kind 

Varian pulls out a candy bar and unwraps it. Lance takes the paper and begins to eat it. Lane looks at the board 

Lance: I seem to have lost my appetite

Varian: You shouldn't let statements bother you. I mean, I always do, but you shouldn't 

Lance: Oh Varian, if it were only a matter of words on a chalkboard. But things one hears these days..... dreadful things! Varian    


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