Varian and Willow reunite

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We open on the governor's house in Old Carona 

Pete: Will there be anything else, Madam? 

Willow: I've asked you to call me Willow, remember? 

Pete: Yes, Madam (Pete leaves)

Willow: Pete....

Varian's voice is heard from inside the closet

Varian: Well, it seems the beautiful only get more beautiful, (Willow screams) while the green just get greener 

Willow is scared and confused as Varian steps out of the closet 

Varian: I'm sorry, did I scare you? I seem to have that effect on people. It's good to see you

Willow: What are you doing here?

Varian: Well, there's no place like home. I never thought I'd hear myself say this but I need fathers help. I need him to stand with me

Willow: That's impossible 

varian: No, no it's not. Not if you ask him. You know he'll listen to you 

Willow: Fathers dead

Varian: What?

Willow: He's dead. I'm the governor.... Well what do you expect? After he learned what you'd done, how you'd disgraced us he died... of shame. Embarrassed to death

Varian: Good, I'm glad. It's better that way 

Willow: That's a wicked thing to say

Varian: No, it's true. Because now it's just us. you can help me and together we can...

Willow: Varian, be quiet! First of all, I can't harbor a fugitive I'm an un-elected official! And why should I help you? You fly around Carona, trying to rescue animals you've never even met, and not once have you ever thought to use your power to rescue me!

Willow: (Singing) All my life, I've depended on you how do you think that feels? All my life I've depended on you and this hideous chair with wheels! Scrounging for scraps of pity to pick up and longing to kick up my heels 

Varian: Willow, there isn't a spell for everything! The power is mysterious. It's not like coddling up a pair of....(Varian pulls out the Grimmerie from his bag) Wait.

Willow: What are you doing ?

Varian begins chanting 

Willow: What is that? Ah! My shoes! It feels like..... like they're on fire! What have you done to my shoes???

Willow lifts her dress revealing ruby slippers. Willow stands but falls Varian gives Willow a hand

Willow: No don't help me (she stands) 

Varian: Oh, Willow, at last (singing) I've done long ago I should and finally from these powers I did something good, finally something good.....

Willow: Pete! Pete! come quickly!

Varian: Pete?

Willow: Pete! Come here at once! 

Varian: No! Willow, listen, nobody can know I'm here!

Willow runs behind the closet as Pete enters

Pete: Yes, what is it Madam?

Varian: Shoot, uh hey bestie!

Pete: What are you doing here? You stay back!

Varian: Pete, it's just me, I'm not going to hurt you!

Pete: No! You're lying! That's all you ever do! You and Your sister! She's as wicked as you are! 

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