JD23E - Meet The Main Characters!

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→ Other Sara's quotes:
• Sara [Classic Avatar]:
"I always used to dance like no one was watching - 'cos I made sure no one was."

• Bucolic Sara:
"I used to hold back, but now I spring to life!"

• Bucolic Sara:"I used to hold back, but now I spring to life!"

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• Wanderlust - Dancing Magician
[Also mentioned Discoball - Artificial Sidekick]

• Wanderlust - Dancing Magician[Also mentioned Discoball - Artificial Sidekick]

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"It's something magical, it's in air, it's in my blood, it's rushing on"

Wanderlust is the son of The Traveler and Si'ha Nova. He's also the Prince of Danceverses, deity and sorcerer.

Wanderlust looks very similar to his parents: his skin is blue like his mother's, and he has a short robe reminiscent of his father's robe. The Traveler wears a triangular necklace, exactly the same shape as the clasp on the Wanderlust trouser belt. In addition, on the clothes of the young boy, there are many dark-gold patterns, just like on the clothes of his parents.

Wanderlust means passion for travel and longing for travel.

Fun fact!
Did you know that Wanderlust can't take his crown off his head? Why? Because this crown represents his duty as the Chosen One.

When we're watching and dancing to the story mode, we can see that Wanderlust has powers after his father, including creating portals and traveling through all the Danceverses. Apart from The Traveler, Night Swan and Panda, he is another character known to travel this way.

Because these coaches can use the power of Flow. What is the Flow? It's the power you can feel when you dance in this world. The more you dance, the more you feel it. However, to be able to use it, you have to be for example: the chosen one - just like Wanderlust. Unfortunately, not everyone can use it, but you can learn about this power, like Mihaly, but about this later.

Wanderlust is a very cheerful person, he is optimistic, always full of good energy. The boy makes friends with others very easily. Looking back, Wanderlust is smiling broadly throughout the "Enter the Danceverses" playlist (except for the moment he was turned into a Night Swan servant, but who would smile at that moment?). He is always positive towards everyone; we can mostly see this when he meets Sarah as well as Jack Rose. Thanks to Lore Master, we know that Wanderlust chose Sarah because he needed a person full of good energy, a person who can motivate others and is ready to help. Wanderlust takes care of Sara, shows her Danceverses, teaches her what his world is like, and always supports her, for example in the fight against the Night Swan. As for Jack Rose, although he reacted negatively to Wanderlust and the rest of his group, our prince was always kind to him. Even after Wanderlust was turned by the Night Swan, the boy still wanted Jack Rose to join their team. Of course, he gets along just as well with Mihaly and Brezziana.

Just Dance LoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora