Chapter 16: Nightmare

Beginne am Anfang

Behind him were a few guards but it seemed they were too slow.

Dawn : (Interesting.)

Side eyeing behind him, another shout occurred and a third seems the thieves planned to cause some chaos by causing multiple crimes at the same time.

Dawn : (It's smart, since the number of guards patrolling a single sector is limited, they won't be able to catch them all.)

Raska : I guess I should help, I'm sure the reward from the knight order will compensate for this month's rent !

Smirking, Raska didn't wait for her students' answer that she already left.

Laos : Teacher !

Dawn : Ahh...seriously this god damn teacher...(Well, maybe i should help too.)

The simple reasoning behind this is that thieves often still valuable and expensive stuff...they aren't homeless people so it won't be cheap things like food or clothing.ù

Dawn : I need to go, Laos, tell the teacher that I'll join you guys later.

Laos : Huh?

Turning his head toward Dawn in confusion, he was even more confused when the said boy was already gone.

Dawn Pov

Running after one of the thieves, I was clearly faster and it seemed he hadn't noticed me eyes piercing his back.

I used Reader to read his strength...and clearly beside being agile he wasn't much.

Though it seems he has a large amount of stolen product judging by the way he runs and the heavy movement of his bag.

Who knows, maybe I'll get a jackpot this time.

Dawn : Oh ?

Turning right and left, he soon stopped in a dark alley far away from prying track ends here it seems.

I was following him through the roofs of the nearby building and seemed he didn't have the reflex to look up.

Anyway, I should go now...

Jumping down, I directly crashed into him...knocking him out in a single hit as my foot crushed his back.

Dawn : Thanks for the hard work.

Adding some lighting to it, I made sure he was out for at least a few will be dangerous if left alone so I'll report the body to the guards later.

For now, let's see what you got.

Dawn : ...

What a disappointment...there are just a few jewelry and gold accessories...well i couldn't expect battle oriented things here.

Should I give everything back along with the thief ? I could get some recognition and get some positive points among the guards...also the reward for helping the knight order.

Dawn : Mmh...

???: Well well well, it seems I found an interesting boy.

Huh ? Is someone there ? B-but, how my magic perception and Snowie should be on guard...

Dawn : Wh-

My body freezing completely, I haven't felt this feeling in years...the feeling of overwhelming difference in terms of strength.

I turned around slowly as I heard Snowie alert me...her voice was never that agitated...

Snowie : (Master, no hostility was sensed but the level of threat had never reached this high!)

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt