His name became incredibly renowned throughout Europe the following year.

He traveled the world with his parents. Even at the age of 14, he gave a performance with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and achieved great success. Lu Zi Wen also came into contact with him at that time.

In accordance with his family's reputation, this boy was arrogant and difficult toward common people.

He looked down on everyone and never liked anyone. Every time he practiced in the orchestra, his nose would go up to the sky, and when the practice was over, he would leave directly, and even have others carry his case.

To be honest, Lu Zi Wen did not like Qi Mu, and he could even say that no one in the Vienna Symphony Orchestra liked this kid. But Qi Mu's talent was truly amazing, and Lu Zi Wen, who had high standards, was convinced of that.

Qi Mu's change occurred at the age of 14.

His parents were in a car accident, and the two died on the spot. Although the two died unexpectedly, they still left a large legacy to Qi Mu. So, although there were no relatives in the family, he could live well. Moreover, his parents were famous in the Huaxia music industry, and their popularity was very good. Many people were willing to take care of him.

However, if he was taught really well. . .

Would he have still suffered such a complete collapse afterward?

When his parents died, the boy with a talent higher than everyone was already arrogant. No one forced him to practice the violin. No one asked him to participate in competitions. He did not hesitate to trample his talents into dust. It was rare for him to even see a violin.

Although his parents left him with many properties, it couldn't sustain his lifestyle of lavish spending. By the time he was 18, he had to pick up his violin and rely on "selling art". Although there are people who could not look on and wanted to help, he had no intention to do anything about it. He was always cheated out of money, but he still refused to change.

Lu Zi Wen heard people say that he once said such a sentence: "The two old fogies are fortunate enough to die early, or else I would have killed them sooner or later! I am forced to learn the violin all day, and they say I'm fucking gifted? Fuck the talent! Even if this Laozi has to beg for food, I won't touch the damn violin!"

However. . .

"He. . . was using drugs. . .?"

Lu Zi Wen sat on the side of the road with his back against the window. The pain in his chest gradually weakened and almost disappeared entirely.

Of course, he hadn't fallen to the point of begging for food. He was just hit hard by the transition from his previous lavishness to his current lifestyle, and it left him depressed. Lu Zi Wen remembered that he seemed to have left Europe and returned to China at the age of 19. He never knew what happened to him afterward.

Lu Zi Wen's eyes flashed in remembrance of the scene when he woke up. He remembered that in front of him was a pile of white powder and a few discarded plastic straws on the small table. The other people in the bar were holding the same thing, their expressions full of obsessive madness.

He fell to the ground for a long time, but even if he walked out along the wall himself, no one paid any attention. Sitting on the ice-cold brick floor, Lu Zi Wen's complexion paled.

His memory stayed in the backstage lounge of the Golden Hall, his face buried in the fiber of the carpet, how hard he struggled, and feeling as though his whole body was constricted by his throat, even moving a bit was difficult.

That feeling, that no matter how much he struggled to breathe, there would be no air entering his lungs.

His trachea was completely blocked, he could only feel the oxygen in his chest growing less and less. His body was so painful that he was unable to extricate himself from it. At the moment before death, Lu Zi Wen felt desperate beyond hell.

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