The Wedding

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Two years later...

Jiho and Seungjoon were sitting on a couch in their apartment, watching a movie on TV. They had moved in together a year ago. They had also come out to their families and friends, who had accepted and supported them. They were happy and in love, enjoying their life together.

"Hey, do you remember the first time we met?" Jiho asked Seungjoon.

"Of course, I do. How could I forget?" Seungjoon said.

"It was at Minhyuk's birthday party. You were so nervous and cute. You kept staring at my brother, Kim Soo-hyun." Seungjoon teased.

"Hey, don't make fun of me. You know I was a huge fan of him. I still am." Jiho said.

"I know, I know. But you know what? I'm glad you were a fan of him. Because if you weren't, we might have never met." Seungjoon said.

"That's true. Fate works in mysterious ways." Jiho said.

They smiled at each other and cuddled closer.

"You know what else I remember?" Seungjoon asked.

"What?" Jiho asked.

"The first time we kissed. It was at the park. You kissed me out of the blue and told me that we were in love." Seungjoon said.

"I remember that too. It was the best moment of my life." Jiho said.

"Mine too." Seungjoon said.

They kissed each other softly and tenderly.

They had shared many more moments like that since then. They had gone on dates, traveled together, celebrated holidays and anniversaries, and supported each other through thick and thin. They had also faced some challenges and difficulties, such as dealing with prejudice, discrimination, and pressure from society. But they had overcome them together, with their love and trust.

They were happy and in love, and they wanted to stay that way forever.

They decided to take the next step in their relationship and get married. They planned a simple but beautiful wedding ceremony with their families and friends. They exchanged their vows and rings, and kissed each other passionately. They were pronounced husband and husband, and everyone cheered for them.

They had a wonderful wedding reception, where they danced, ate, drank, and laughed with their loved ones. They also received many gifts and blessings from them.

One of the gifts was from Kim Soo-hyun himself. He had sent them a video message, congratulating them on their marriage and wishing them all the best. He also thanked Jiho for being his loyal fan and told him that he was proud of him for following his heart and being true to himself. He also invited them to visit him on the set of his new drama someday.

Jiho was overjoyed by the message. He couldn't believe that his idol had acknowledged him and his marriage. He felt like he was dreaming.

He hugged Seungjoon tightly and thanked him for making his dream come true.

Seungjoon hugged him back and told him that he loved him more than anything in the world.

They kissed each other again and again, feeling the happiness fill their hearts.

They were happy and in love, and they looked forward to their future together.

The End

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