Chapter 8

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Finally the much anticipated Grand Opening of Hotel NN have arrived! Nunew was very excited to show to everyone his newest and biggest branch to date. He was happy with the way the renovation turns out to be. The interior design was so beautifully done and exceptionally elegant that it can be compared with famous five star hotels.

Nunew must admit that none of this wouldn't be possible without Zee's help.

The last time he saw him was when he went to the City Hall to follow up the necessary business, mayor's and sanitary permits for his hotel. He didn't get the chance to talk to Zee as the mayor is busy with the council's meeting.

As much as he wanted to deny it, He really missed Zee. He tried calling him to ask how much did he owe Zee for his work but the latter is always busy.

Nunew also tried leaving a message to Zee's secretary to call him if the mayor wasn't busy but still didn't get a call from him.

He gave Zee an invitation to the grand opening party of Hotel NN. He just hope that the busy mayor will take some time to be there. Nunew somehow felt that they need to talk. They need to sort out the issues between them before he went back to Bangkok.

Nunew choose an Armani white suit for Hotel NN's Grand Opening Party. His parents will be coming with him too. He knows how excited they are to see how the renovations turns out. They are both very proud of their son's achievements.

The lobby of Hotel NN was elegantly designed and well lit. It was filled with beautiful fresh flowers in tall expensive vases. And since they arrived a bit earlier, He decided to give his parents a tour around his hotel. His parents were speechless due to admiration.

Nat arrived three days ago to Chiangrai to help his cousin Nunew to plan the said event. Nunew and Nat again team up to have the best Grand Opening Party.
They even invited some Thai stars to grace the said event. Nunew even sent invitations to his friends who was in the press for publicity.

"Nat, you think we settle everything? Is there any problem? How about food? You think I didn't forget anything?"

"Jelly, Calm down. You are so tense. As if this is the first time you will throw a party like this. Relax. You know what Nhu, you really impressed me on how you single handedly supervise the construction of Chiangrai branch. Even the party, it's all you." Nat said with a smile.

"Well, I live here in Chiangrai and it's just renovation. One more thing most of our personnel here are from the Main Branch so it's a lot easier."

"But still you are good Jelly. I know that you want this branch to be the biggest but wow Nhu, this is like a five star hotel already."

"Awww Natty, are you asking for a raise?"

"Kinda. But seriously Nhu. You did very well." Nat hug his beloved cousin and kiss him on the cheek.

Nat was very proud of Nunew. He knows the blood, sweat and tears that Nunew have to shed in order to make his dreams a reality. "Okay Jelly, I'll go check Max first okay? I think he's really tense too." Nat was referring to his crush Max Kornthas who was happens to be his assistant manager in Bangkok Branch. Nunew appointed Max to be the Operations Manager for Chiangrai Branch.

After a while, guests have started to arrived. Everyone greeted Nunew to congratulate him. But still, the one he was waiting for haven't arrive yet.

The ribbon cutting ceremony have been done but the one his eyes desired to see haven't shown up. He was hoping to give Zee the honor of cutting the ribbon for his newly opened branch but since he wasn't there, he gave that honor to Namping instead.

Everyone was happy and enjoying the party. Nunew have tried to give everyone a warm smile even if deep inside, he was feeling deeply sad that Zee wasn't around. His guests have requested a small speech from the young businessman.

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