Chapter 6

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Nunew waited for Zee to show him the perspective plan of the building. He wished that Zee will commit alot of mistakes with the plan so he'll have more reason to hate him and make him pay for stealing kisses from him.

Why Nunew? You like it very much right? You can't help but to think about it all the time too. The small voice inside his head whispered.

"It was nothing. He's a good kisser, I'd give him that but that's all. I mean, I haven't been kissed by anyone yet and because he's good at it, well, I respond like anyone would. Yes, of course that's just it!" Nunew tried to convince himself as he keep on pacing around inside his room.

He touched his lips and close his eyes. It's been two days that he haven't seen Zee but he can still feel his kisses on his lips.

"Shit! What the heck is wrong with me?" He almost jump when he heard a soft knock on his door. He opened it immediately.

"Nhu, Zee is waiting for you in the living room." His mother said with a smile. "Did he tell you why Mae?"

"I don't know. I never ask. Go ahead, don't let him wait. You know he is a busy person." His Mama turn around immediately.

Nunew thought if he should change his clothes first. He was just wearing a short shorts and a baggy white shirt.

Why? Who is he for me to dressed up?

Zee's mouth might still be open if he didn't have that unbelievable self control. Nunew walk towards him. His simple clothes makes him even more beautiful and sexy. Those flawless legs, his nipples almost visible from that flimsy fabric. My goodness!
Whew! Down, boy! Down! He commanded to the very persistent part of his body.

Zee opened the rolled plan of the building and casually place it his lap to cover the bulge in his pants. He fish out his handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the beads of sweat that have formed in his forehead.

"Hhhhello." Holy shit! Did I just stutter? Did I?

He saw Nunew have raise his brow. Even so, he didn't comment on his stuterring and instead he sat on the one seater sofa in front of him.

When Nunew sat down, his short shorts look even more shorter. Zee swallow hard at the sight. He once again wipe his face as he starts to sweat again.

"Is that the plan?" Nunew ask.

"Yyyess." Zee hesitantly smiled that it look a bit awkward.

"Can I see it?"

That's the only time that Zee notice that the side of the plan is now crumpled because he hold at it too tight. "Sure." Zee, you're mental!

Nunew lean forward to grab from him the plan. His shirt is too baggy that's why it shows his creamy white chest.

Down boy. Please calm down little Pruk.

He even tighten the hold at the plan. He doesn't even care if it gets even more crumpled. If Nunew gets the plan from him, it is not impossible for Nunew to see the huge bulge in his pants.

He can feel the beads of sweat flowing down his neck. This is insane. I'm totally out of control. But my gosh? What can I do?

Nunew tried to grab the plan away from him again.
"So do you have any plans to show your work to me?" Nunew said sarcastically.

Zee just tighten his hold. "Huh? Of course." Again he smiled awkwardly.

"Is that so. Then why can I feel that you don't want to give it to me?"

"Aren't you gonna offer me something to drink? Like cold water or cold beer. Anything cold."

Nunew's brows furrowed. "Fine."

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