Chapter 3

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"Here." The dentist handed to Nunew a huge mirror.

Nunew nervously accepted it and smiled. His braces were finally remove today. Nunew have his braces after his two front teeth and crooked tooth was fixed by the dentist. He was delighted when he saw his nice set of teeth. Who would have thought that it use to be crooked and huge?

"So how do you like it?" The dentist ask with a smile.
Nunew smile. "Nice. They're really nice. The braces really did help." "I told you so." The dentist smile at him again.

After he settle the payment to the dentist's secretary, he walk out of the clinic and on his way where he parked his car. Once inside his car, he adjust the rear view mirror and then glance at his teeth again.

"Metal mouth no more!" He giggles. He use to call himself "metal mouth" when he still have his braces. He was already twenty six and still wearing braces.
Nunew is different now. He's a successful businessman owning chains of three star hotel all over Thailand. Gone is the Nunew that was the subject of humiliation and bullying thirteen years ago.

Nunew can't help but smile now everytime he'll remember his experiences in Chiangrai.

"Oh hello Jelly!" Nat greeted when Nunew step foot inside his office at Hotel NN in Bangkok Branch.

"Hi Nat!" He was feeling good. Nunew gave his sweetest smile to everyone who greeted him.

"Wow Nhu, your smile look even more beautiful without your braces." Nat said with an equally beautiful smile.

"Thank you Natty. Is there anyone who called me this morning?" He ask his cousin and Operations Manager of Bangkok Branches.

"Of course. You know how in demand you are Nhu." Nat was tapping his pen on his desk while looking intently at his laptop.

"Who called?"

"Let's see..." He look at his note where he wrote the important caller for Nunew. "Attorney Park called. It's about the property you want buy in ChiangRai.


"We will have Hotel NN there?" "Yes."

Nunew felt that today is his lucky day. A nice huge property in Chiangrai will be finally his. The property was used to be a Love Motel but the owners face bankrupcy and was force to sell the property. He will just need to renovate the building to convert into a three star hotel.

Nunew was into the hospitality business. He already have five branches of Hotel NN which he strategically place on Thailand's top destination. He has two brances in Bangkok ~ one near ICON SIAM along side with Chao Pharaya River (the biggest one) and one in Phetchaburi area. He also have one in Pattaya, Phuket and ChiangMai.

Hotel NN was doing very well. The hotel rarely have vacancy because he make sure to have good promotions and the services are that of five star hotel without paying as much.

Nunew's latest project will be the Hotel NN in Chiangrai. He will make sure that it will be the most beautiful of all of his branches. He have decided to supervise the renovation himself.

It's been thirteen years since he last step foot in Chiangrai. Usually he will just invite his parents to Bangkok to see them and they'll spend the weekends with him.

It was still clear to Nunew's mind the humiliation he receive in Chiangrai when he was only thirteen years old. The reason why he had never return yet. He needs to come back the way he promise he will.

All of the hardwork he had done over the years was for his return in Chiangrai. For his next encounter with Kimberly and most important of all with Zee Pruk.

When he decided to study in Bangkok, Nunew really work hard. He strive to be the top student in his class. He was no longer the mischievous boy and been really helpful to his Auntie Hyekyo and his cousin Natasit. He spend all of his time studying to make sure he'll secure a scholarship in the university and he was able to accomplished it with flying colors.

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