"INCOMING!" Flynn shouted as he ran towards the Animatronic. Renamon got out of the way as Flynn bashed onto the Machine, free Dell in the process. The Animatronic pushed him off only for him to get back up and pin him down with Everyone's help. Flynn then looked at Dell who was back on his feet. "NERD! WHATEVER IT YOU CAN DO TO HIM WITH THAT THING, BETTER MAKE IT FAST!"

"NAUGHTY CHILDREN!" The Animatronic shouted as he tries to break free.

Dell ran over to the Animatronic to see what he can do. Looking around, he notices two small plug-in holes on the back of its head. It appeared to something that the Faz-Wrench can use since the plugs fit in. When inserting it in, he tried to see what else he can do before turning it sideways. The Animatronic shuts down instantly.

Everyone got off of the crazy Animatronic and took a moment to catch their breaths. Then, the Animatronic suddenly reactivated. Its face was almost a mixture of both sun and moon, like an eclipse. Neo stood in front of Dell with a flashlight just in case. But the Animatronic didn't attack. Instead, it looked at them and spoke with a gentler calmer tone.

"Happy Birthday!" It looked at the group. "Warning! Warning! Children in danger! Safety mode active - Kids, you can't be in here, it's dangerous. Let me help you find a way out of here."

"Is he crazy!? There's no way I'm going near him again!" Neo protested.

"Neo...I think it's ok." Alaria said.


"It's ok. I...I trust him. For some reason, the reboot must have reverted him back to this. Perhaps William did it to him and such." Dell said.

Thinking about it, Neo sighed as he reluctantly agreed and followed the newly reformed Animatronic out of the sewers.

As the follow him, Renamon, Max, and Neo were still on their guard. While the now Eclipse Animatronic is helping them out, they were not letting their guards down. The others were calm at the time. They soon reached the door and the Animatronic opened the door, revealing it to be an elevator. He escorted the kids there and entered there himself. The Elevator soon moved up and they stopped at what appears to be an Employee working area with several boxes and trash bins. He remained on the elevator as the kids got out.

"There you go. Just follow the arrows to the exit. I need to clean up before we can open in the morning! This place will be flooded with kids. Come back soon and have a faz-eriffic day!" He said as the elevator door closed. But before it can move, they swear they can hear Sun's voice.

"Thank you!"

"Well. At least we're on the Atrium level." Alaria said.

"Hmm. That area over there. It looks familiar." Flynn pointed at the left. Then he realized what it is. "Wait. It's a kitchen!"

"If that is the kitchen. Then...This way!" Neo then ran towards the direction where the arrow was pointing at, prompting the others to follow.

With the Daycare Animatronic no longer a threat, they were safe from the power outage. But still, they were worried about Stan. With Monty, Vanny, and William still at large, They needed to get everyone and get out of here.

When they made it to the open Atrium, they were shocked to see how much damage it took during Monty's rampage: Claw marks everywhere, tables broken and chairs broken apart and scattered around, oil stains, and broken floor tiles. Alaria looked at the claw marks.

"This is not from any animal. It must be from Monty."

"Whatever William and Vanny did to Monty, they truly turned him into a monster." Yennsee stated.

"I wanna go home." Max said while hugging Renamon.

"I know. We all do." Renamon comforted Max.

It was clear right now that Max was scared. They all were. This one night here in the Pizzaplex has been nothing but a hellish nightmare. Everyone felt exhausted, scared, and lost. They felt that their confidence and hope were already weak. It was not moments later that they soon found Bonnie and Chica in the corner. They rushed towards them to see that they were battered, damaged, and nearly torn apart.

"Bonnie? Chica?" Krystal asked.

There was nothing but silence. Dell Examined them both and sighed. "They're offline. They took so much damage that their system was unable to continue under the conditions."

"We can't stay here. We need to keep moving." Yennsee said.

"But what about Chica and Bonnie?" Max asked.

"Max. There's nothing we can do for them." Renamon said while trying to comfort Max.

"What about Loona? Where is she?" Dell asked.

"Over here!" Shouted Loona, who was injured but still able to move, as she was walking with a damaged yet functioning Freddy. The others ran towards him with Max not leaving Bonnie and Chica.

"Are you ok?" Neo asked.

"We're fine. We are so glad to see you kids safe." Freddy answered.

Dell then notice something on Freddy: Different eyes, claws, and somehow a voice. "Freddy? What happened to you?"

"Loona had to repair me after Monty's assault. There was no other parts of me available. So Loona had to use Bonnie's hands, Roxy's eyes, and Chica's voice." Freddy then looked down. "Monty. He's no longer sane. We tried to stop him. But he was too much."

"What about Stan?" Renamon asked.

"No word. But let's hope William hasn't caught up to him." Loona said.

They soon hear a loud roar from where Roxy Raceway is at. Neo knew exactly who it was. All the determination that was siphoned by this night was suddenly restored, better than ever. Seeing that the time was 5:10, He knew it was now or never.

"Neo." Krystal walked up to him with the same determination. "Nichole and Alilkira are there in the raceway. That's where Monty is at too. And..."

"It's ok." Neo said. He knew that if Krystal was to reveal anything, William would find Stan in no time. And if his instincts are telling him the truth, that's where Stan and Roxanne are hiding. Now cracking his knuckles, Neo spoke to the them.

"Come on guys. I know you are all tired and scared. But Stan needs us. And so does Nichole and Alilkira. We just have to find them and stop Monty. I can't force you to come with me. So if you want to stay here and rest, you can."

"Hell no. After all of this, I want to kick William's ass!" Flynn said.

"Same here!" Yennsee added.

"We're not backing down from all of this!" Alaria said.

"I'm with you as well." Krystal nodded.

"Stan is in trouble. I will rip William's throat to save Stan." Loona showed her fangs while growling.

"After all we've been through, we can get through this one as well." Dell smiled.

"I will protect you kids. Even if I can't overpower Monty, I will fight till my last breath." Freddy gave them a thumbs up.

"I...I want to help. For Bonnie and Chica." Max said.

"And I well help out too." Renamon nodded.

Neo smiled. "Thanks guys." He turn turned to where Roxy Raceway is. "Let's go."

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