Hazel rolls her eyes, "Haha. Very funny." She links her arm with Calliope arm and they walk down the hallway, "Come on, let's find a good seat before they're all taken."

The dark brunette and bottle blonde duo make their way through the corridor and arrive at the gymnasium, they walk inside the spacious room their eyes scan the bleachers for a place to sit. Calliope's gaze lands on PJ and Josie who are sat together on the lower row, she hasn't spoken to either of them since yesterday's... disagreement.

Calliope didn't have anything to ay to her cousin, what she said to Hazel was out of line and as far as she's concerned, she rightfully deserved that punch to the face.

The girls make their way up the steps of the bleachers, they find their seats at the end of a row on the second to top row. Calliope pulled off her bag and placed it between her legs on the floor, then she leans forward propping her elbows on her knees and lacing her hands, her sepia gaze wanders the quickly filling gym boredly.

Not long after the assembly begins, and Jeff and Tim run to the middle of the gym floors in their overly worn football gear. Jesus, do they ever not wear their gear to school?

"Everybody... even the fucking losers...!" Jeff screams into the mic, as if he isn't incredibly loud just by himself.

"Even the fucking losers!" Tim repeats, just as loud without the mic. Which just proves her point, why do these idiots need mics right now?

"Make some noise!" Jeff wails at the top of his lungs like a mad man, his eyes clenched shut as his entire body practically vibrates in over-exaggeration.

Calliope winces as all the students and staff on the bleachers cheer, clap, and basically lose their minds, she fiddles with her ear as an attempt to get rid of the ringing.

The blonde feels a slight nudge in her side next to her, she turned to face Hazel. "You okay?" She asked her, a hint of concern in her blue-green gaze.

Calliope nodded her head as she drops her finger from ear, "Yeah, I think someone screamed just a pitch too high." Hazel nods wordlessly with a sympathetic look, then they swiftly turned their attention back toward the two meatheads on the floor.

"All right, uh, so we're gonna do the pep rally." Jeff announced, "First up, cheerleaders."

Jeff and Tim walk off towards the side and the cheerleaders rush to the middle of the floor, they've got blue pom-poms in hand as they cheer jovially. Now, three weeks ago Calliope wouldn't have been caught dead cheering or clapping for any of the cheerleaders. But now... she has cheerleader friends, and she wanted to show her support.

She claps her hands for her friends on the squad, and she cups her palms around her lips as she cheers loudly for them. "Let's go, Isabel, Brittany, and Stella Rebecca! Whoo!"

Hazel cheers alongside her, her hands cupped around her lips. "Let's go, girls!"

The pop music plays on the speakers overhead, and the cheer routine begins. The girls on the squad turn around one by one, then the two cheerleaders on Stella Rebecca's left and right side take bottles of water and pour them over her head. Calliope snorted and rolled her eyes, her head shakes as she Stella Rebecca bounced up and down in her very thin white shirt.

"Football!" Stella Rebecca giggled as she cheered, flashing a bright smile. As well as her blue bra beneath the soaking wet shirt.

So that was the routine? Yeah, all right. Whatever.

The cheer squad rush away and find their seats on the bleachers, and Tim and Jeff make their way back towards the center of the gym. "Whoo! Yeah, thank you, ladies. Ooh! Thank you all for joining us here today, folks. There's been some exciting stuff happening a Rockbridge Falls recently." Jeff feigned confusion beside Tim he gave his announcement, "How many of you know about that little girl fight club that could?"

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