Volume 1 - Chapter 3.4: Girl at the Supermarket

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I decided what I was going to do before entering my dorm for the first time and slowly made my way out of the school building. There were barely any students still in the classrooms, seeing as most of them left as soon as class was over.

From the looks of it, around 70% of the students went directly to the dormitories, while the remaining 30% had joined into groups of 4 to 7 and went to cafes or karaoke.

I just decided to drop by a convenience store to pick up what toiletries and groceries they sold there. It was a little lonely, but it's not like you need a friend to accompany you to the convenience store.

The doors beeped as I stepped inside and felt the cool air conditioning wash over me.

After stuffing a few necessities like a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, an all-in-one shampoo, and a bag of mandarins into a basket, I headed towards the small grocery section located on the other side of the store.

How convenient is it that everything you need is all in one store? It does live up to its name.

Let's see...what do I need to survive for the next few days?

I didn't want to spend too much money, so I kept it simple with a few bottles of water and a carton of milk, along with some frozen food that looked pretty good. I do know how to cook some basic things, but I didn't want to bother myself with it in the first few days of high school.

I should pick up some more recipes online since I am technically living alone now... What a pain.

Being independent kinda sucks.

I browsed around for a bit, looking for anything that might tempt me to purchase it. It was the first time I had the luxury of spending this much money since my parents tended to be a little on the stricter side when it came to allowances.

After a bit of deliberation, I decided to buy two onigiris as a snack since I felt a bit hungry. One was spicy tuna and the other was pickled plum. I didn't like pickled plum but it was the only other option and I also wanted a bit more variety of flavors.

A little further down the aisle, near the small refrigerated section with some drinks and dairy products, was a girl reaching for something placed a little too high for her. I stopped and watched for a moment as she got on her toes and tried again a second time, before slumping a little and quietly sulking. Initially, I wasn't going to get involved, but I guess I felt a little bad. And I was in a pretty good mood at the moment.

The girl must've heard me because she tensed out of surprise before glancing at me. As I got closer, she inched to the side to give me room to browse.

"Here," I said grabbing a tub of frozen custard and handing it to her.

The short girl took it from my outstretched hand and stared at it, her droopy eyes narrowing ever so slightly. 

"This isn't what I wanted. I was reaching for that," the girl said, pointing toward a vague area above her.

"Oh, uh. Yeah."

When I offered to put it back where it was, she gave me a blank stare.

Without saying another word, she placed the container into her little basket and retreated, her blue hair trailing behind as she scurried off.

"...okay then?" 

I didn't even get her name. 

I guess being nice doesn't pay.

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