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(⚠️ warning: threesome if you don't feel comfy)

Tae didn't wanna go watch cause now he knew that the guy was no other than yoongi so he went home.
(Next chapter don't worry)

Jimin watched the whole match and drooled over yoongi and bro didn't even think of tae once. Just how  defined his hips are and how he stretches and the way he smiles or sometimes smirks. The shape of his ass when he squats. He's in fucked.

The match ended and Jimin clapped for yoongi cause they won and yoongi glanced at him with a grin that made Jimin gulp. He was caught. After yoongi did all those teammate things( too lazy my chingus😔) he walked up to Jimin with his hat off and his  golden red locks.

"Hey. Jimin is it?" Yoongi said with a smile and Jimin was dazed.

"You can call me yours if you'd like." Jimin blurted out with a chuckle but then smacked his lips. Yoongi chuckled.

"Umm where you looking for me or..." Yoongi asked and Jimin stepped closer.

"I mean yeah you but I was wondering..." Jimin mumbled tapping yoongi's hip and yoongi smirked.

"Wondering what?" Yoongi asked stepping even more closer holding Jimin by his waist.

"Would you let me ride you if I asked you?" Jimin said with desire in his eyes as he looked at yoongi's.

"Ohh.... Why don't you find out then. Wanna come with me? My place." Yoongi said and jimin smirked.


With that seven minutes later. They're in yoongi's room devouring each other like beasts with Jimin taking off yoongi's clothes and yoongi taking off Jimin's.

"Mmm~ yoongi~" Jimin moaned when yoongi sucked his nipples then traced his hands on his abs. Yoongi moved from there to his neck and made hickeys every place he sees.

He was on top of Jimin so he unzipped Jimin's pants but halted when he heard the doorbell.

"Did you invite someone?" Jimin asked with a huff and yoongi looked at him with those eyes that make you weak instantly.

"I was wondering what happened between you and hoseok?" Yoongi asked and Jimin groaned.

"That bitch-"

"Yoon-" a person entered the room they were in and yoongi smirked while Jimin's eyes widened. "Jimin."

"Hoseok. Wait? What's-" Jimin said and yoongi got off him not before kissing his cheek.

"I'm the person hoseok fucked with." He whispered to Jimin and Jimin's eyes double widened.

"The what?!?" Jimin shouted and hoseok stepped closer and yoongi went off the bed leaving Jimin there flustered but why was there an excitement.

"But why did you bring us both here yoongi?" Hoseok asked and yoongi sighed then ruffled his hair.

"Talk. I wanna fuck that's all." Yoongi said then stepped out the room leaving the two.

"I'm not talking to you bitch stay away?!?" Jimin shouted. Hoseok stepped closer with a sigh. "I said dont-" Jimin's voice broke and tears fell from his eyes making hoseok rush to him.


"Don't touch me!"

"Park Chim."

"You cheated!"


"You lied to my face!"

"Jimin!" Hoseok shouted angryly and Jimin took a deep breath in and out pushing back his tears.

fuck buddyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang